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OK, I'm way too busy to be doing this, but never underestimate the cathartic effects of typing out your frustrations on a keyboard.

Among the things on my "to do" list this week was my (UK) tax return. Never in the field of human conflict have I so regretted firing my accountant.

Yesterday, I carefully gathered all my papers, girded my loins, did a few sums and logged on to the HMRC self-assessment website. Used my personal identifier and password, eventually got to the self-assessment page and opened page 1, which is the page for personal details.

As I am already registered, this was pre-completed with my name, my NI number, my unique tax reference number and.......someone else's address!! In Preston!!

Down tools, pick up phone, eventually reach human, explain my case, go through the usual 1001 security questions and the human (a very nice man with a pleasing NE accent) says that he can see exactly what I mean, reassures me that this must be some weird computer glitch, He personally inputs my correct address details and advises me to wait 24 hours, by which time the records will all be updated and all will be well. I mention that I really didn't want to wait 24 hours, he cheerily reminds me that I have, in fact, till January to complete my return, I explain that as I am shortly to move house I would rather do this now, before my papers are moved to a new home where I am unlikely to be able to find them for months to come, and we part amicably.

Day 2 (today)

Repeat steps as above, get to relevant page, and find my address ...is....still somewhere in Preston. Seize phone, dial HMRC. Recorded message tells me that "due to industrial action" things may not be quite as clockwork-like as usual. I am not specifically dissuaded from hanging up. In fact, I am warned that today's industrial action might result in several future days of unusually busy lines. So I persevere, tell teh robot everything it asks, wait ages and then the robot says "We can't take your call" and hangs up.

So I decided to be a rebel and change my address myself.Nothing exploded.

It transpires I am owed a rebate. If they send it to someone in Preston, I will be really angry.

That is all.
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I pity you.

I myself have no faith in HMRC after spending 3 years fighting a demand from them for 13 grand.

At the end of the 3 years I received a cheque for the princely sum of 7 grand and a letter to say that they had indeed made a mistake.

At least they got my address right.

Good luck.
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You were lucky to actually speak to a person - when we first started Self Assessment, mid 1990s, you could be waiting hours to get through.

Once you're into their system the secret of a peaceful life is to try to keep your returns similar each year, no big changes. Then they will just push you through (unless you're up in the high earning bracket.)

I know what you mean by a pleasant northern voice - I sometimes ring the Longbenton office just to hear a geordie accent.

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oh Betty, why not just move to Preston and be done with it, I think HMRC are trying to tell you something!

Sometimes one just loses the will to live[:(] today my yahoo account has been hacked and I have lost all my yahoo contacts[:'(]

If you are in email contact with me please be assured that I am at home and safe and not stuck in Istanbul without money and passport.

Also please send me an email so that I have your address again. Thanks

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Hey, Pat, you can ring me.  I had a FIL who was from Gateshead and, through taking the mickey, I could do a mean Geordie accent [:D]

Cendrillon, your email specifically said that you had your passport, just no money.  Let's not exaggerate, eh?[geek]

I, too, had a rebate which I wasn't expecting as I couldn't be bothered to fill in a tax return for such a measely sum, and I didn't even have to move to Preston.  They sent it here to my village in SW France............[8-|],

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I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but there was a report in the papers earlier this week saying HMRC had actually made mistakes in calculating people's tax and therefore some had received rebates they were not entitled to and HMRC would like them back, please.

So, if you get an envelope with the magic initials on it...........
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