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It's the thought that counts


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In a few weeks I'll be heading off over to Brittany for a break and I was thinking about when I was last there in September.

I went for a walk with my lovely neighbour and her toutou, taking a tour of the village.  As we walked, her little dog stopped to answer a call of nature and I was really surprised when, with a great flourish, she pulled a dog poo bag from her pocket and picked up the deposit.  I said nothing and we carried on walking up the road, chatting away, as she merrily twirled the bag in her free hand.  After a brief moment, she caught herself twirling the bag and in the nonchalant way that the French seem to specialise in, flung it into the hedge of a house along side the road, clearly quite satisfied with her aim.  There was no bin nearby, so it wasn't a bad shot.  We continued on, she clearly thinking that she had done her civic duty and me utterly bemused.

I reflect frequently on this but I don't try to fathom any logic in it, just have a good chuckle and look forward to the next surprise.

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My father would never leave the house to walk his dog without a poo bag, we would even have to go back if he forgot one, he would never ever pick up his dogs doings though, it would have turned his stomach, no, for him the importance was to have the bag, presumably in case he was ever challenged.

There is a footpath behind my UK pied à terre, my hedge, trees, grass etc, just 50m between built up areas, neighbours will walk their dogs 30m to crap there and then return home, on my last visit I found loads of plastic bags full of turds dumped there, I stuck little flourescent flags in them to hopefully shame the person responsable, it stopped.

It turned out to be the guy who rented my house, he would take out his bloomin great thug of a dog always with a plastic bag in his hand but return without itn he was dumping it 10m away from his home where his kids walked to school and the shops every day [:(]

Following an incident of domestic violence and then a vicious attack on two police officers who responded, (one a female )thankfully he is no longer in the property and is banned from coming within 400m of it

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Here over the years I have had several people stop with their dogs and wont leave until they have crapped on my doorstep, the first iIput an end to by gathering it together after I had been away for a while and putting it on her doorstep, the day she moved out someone (a human) laid a cable in my trailer!

The other was a neighbour that I had long suspected and a tenant recorded him on his mobile phone making his dog do the deed, I spoke to him about it and of course he denied it, when I said about the recording instead of getting aggressive as I expected he said that perhaps it had happened and would not happen again, its now been a couple of crotte free years. 


The other story really caught me out, you could say rubbed my nose in it, I have to regularly sort out my rubbish bins and guests will throw bottles in them or in the recycling bins, chuck food waste or Macdonalds détritus in the recycling bins and generally not use the yellow recycling sacks, the bin men wont take anything that should not be there or not in the right bin liners, also groups of workers from the factory would sit on the low wall on the footpath beside (a bit like the one in my UK home) and drink a case of beers and the ones that didnt like to litter would throw them in my dustbins, glass of any kind wont be collected, we have to take it to the dechetterie, as a consequence I take an altogether unhealthy interest in what is put in my dustbins.

One day I found a knotted bag alone in my bin, I had no customers but a couple of friends had stayed the night before, one of them uses this forum, her OH had walked their dog and she will know what I found when my curiosity got the better of me and I opened the bag [:-))]

At least one dog owner is responsable! [:D]

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My quartier is largely North African and on the whole they don't keep dogs. I believe they are seen as impure in Islam tradition.

However the pavements are full of dog-sh*t from the dogs owned by French people who 'exercise ' them in our streets deliberately to 'emmerder les arabes' ' [:@]

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A few weeks ago I saw a woman, who I don't know, in the village, watching as her dog performed an operation in a neighbour's gateway which necessitated its being in a squatting position for maybe a minute.

I was amazed that someone could do this in full view, and before I could help myself I called out "That's bloody disgusting"

I was surprised that she turned out to be English-speaking (not sure of the nationality), when she marched towards me shouting that her dog hadn't done anything, and that I should come and have a look.

I replied that it was obvious what the dog had been trying to do, and I was not interested in examining the results, successful or not.

When she continued ranting and insisting I look at her dog's doings I replied that she was just a dirty old woman.

"You're older than me" she shouted back, and marched off in triumph.

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