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Complete France Forum

Here's Eymet but...where's ALBF?


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Coincidence or what, I was vegetating in front of the TV a couple of days ago and there was a programme in which Eymet featured!

They showed an elderly couple (well, they seemed YEARS older than me) who had "sunk their life savings" (their phrase) into opening a, wait for it, bowling club.  There was the opening day and the good old maire was there to cut the ribbon and tea and cakes were had by all.

The owners said they wanted to attract "expats and locals" and that they wanted to build the club into a competitive and international one.  Bowling enthusiastics from all over the world will apparently be coming to Eymet to compete.

Such a shame we no longer have ALBF!  I just know he will be blowing a fuse[:D] 

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I'm here.

I read the article when it was published and then I started having convulsions and was put immediately into an induced coma. I have just woken up.

So yes Eymet.


What is the fecking attraction with this place ?

It is a theme park.

I could imagine visiting Eymet in a safari truck with a big sign saying 'DON'T FEED THE BRITS'.

You would be tempted though to chuck em a sausage roll just to see what would happen. You might lose your fingers but it would be worth it !!

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