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Complete France Forum

Best laid plans


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There is little hope to sort out the complicated woes of France if the road outside our flat is an example. Rush hour traffic would start outside out bedroom window well after we were up, there was lots of it but very slow moving. So Nantes Muncipality introduced a one way system "contre sens" to the rush hour flow to stop it. To counter this, the commuters took the road that terminates opposite our window rather than the one that parallels it to avoid the new one way system. Turns out there is an "elu" who lives down this road and HE objected to this new flow of traffic outside HIS house, so he had the muncipality put another new one way arrow up that, literally, directs the traffic back round in a circle. That stopped most of the traffic.

However. Our residents car park opens out onto this new system, but we retain the right to ignore the arrow and drive down the two way road to the banks of the Loire. Now the cars that see the one way arrow have taken to driving straight across the road, into our car park and use it as a round about to get the right to drive back down to the main Loire road!!

Our resident "gendarme" on the conseil syndical de copropriéte has taken to patrolling the car park, photographing the cars and cautioning the drivers.

Robert K Merton would be very pleased.

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Ah les elus and their families, who are embetted by some new local happening!

Why would they care how the new changes they insist upon, would possibly bother, upset, annoy, the rest of the population.

We had several costly examples of that in our village....and my good friend, would just look at me when I would go mad, give me a shrug and a qu'est tu veux! Just the way it is?
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