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And now for something completely different


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Saw an article in our local paper wanting extras for a film being made up the road. Put my profile in (no idea why I do these mad things) and they rang to said they were interested.

I have just spent 4 hours sitting on a solid pew in a hospital chapel whilst 3 scenes where shot, multiple times. The main actors were present, us 80 extras were (mostly women) all allowed in after being tested for Covid. Probably 90 seconds of film at then end of the day, no one spoke any dialogue.

L'Origin du Mal when it comes out. Look for the tall, well dressed, distinguished gentleman with an air of sophistication near the back of the church. The scruff next to him is me!!

82€ less taxes and charges. Just waiting for my butt to get some feeling back. I now have an actors account too.
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I had to sign a contract with them which includes mention of "Impôts Cotisation". Following NormanH's comment, I checked on my site and found that I was paid, plus 25€ indemnities. This should logically be reflected in the Tax Return automatically, but I will check anyway.

Considering we were just window dressing, paying over 100€ each for 80 people to just sit still seems OTT. No wonder they like CGI.
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Interesting, as it was a film, no.

Our eldest has been on French TV interviews twice, neither time did he sign anything. The second time, when he was about 11, we did not even know he had been interviewed as he was playing crazy golf in the camp site at Nantes!
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