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Not Just Katie!


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She's here with her family and they're leaving tomorrow so she'll be telling you all about her holiday over the weekend.  We've had a great time - even though I've been away working a lot we have managed to see quite a bit of each other.  We're off to a gorgeous restaurant this evening "Le Poids Publique".  She proudly informed me that President Mitterand eats there regularly!  I gently explained to her that Mitterand hasn't been eating in ANY restaurant for quite a few years now...

"Oh!  Well when did HE die then?" -  was her incredulous reply!  

 Don't you just love her?  I love seeing the back of her to be honest with you!!!

She's coming again with her mother for a long weekend in a couple of weeks.

Remember her mother?



Wish me luck[;-)]

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Hi Dotty!

Actually I've not been around for most of summer - busy working.  I'm looking forward to the autumn nights on the forum!  Not sure where Tresco is - hopefully she's gone away for a few days well deserved  holiday. 


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Oooh Catalpa, that makes me seem really, truly awful![:)] I was complimenting my guests, not crowing with delight as I stashed their money and fed them on cabbage soup[:P]

What's really going on here is that I have been working for quite a long time with a French student (who studies in England), and it's Now Dissertation Deadline Time. The poor guys project didn't quite go how he anticipated, but he'd written it up as though it had, and now everything has to be re-worked to suggest he always knew it would work out this way...

It's nearly as bad as doing one myself.[:'(]

I'm also finding myself strangely tongue-tied as far as forums go...[Www]




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Hi Jay!

Things are finally slowing down for me I'm happy to say, so I'll be around a bit more!

  JK is leaving France tomorrow so she'll be telling you all about here adventures here the last two weeks.  We shall be bringing back some 'fizz' to the forum - I know you've missed us so much[;-)]  Hope you've all had a great summer dispite the dodgy wheather.[:)]

My low point was 2 weeks ago when we were playing at Barèges (65) - cold, torrential rain and storms, Christmas lights would NOT have looked out of place!  We couldn't park within 50 metres of the venue we were playing in, so we  had to unload the 2 trucks and lug its contents under the lashing rain. 

 Sleeping (or not sleeping) on the floor of a Salle des Fetes in Ussat (09) was quite a "Why am I doing this?" kind of moment too!

My high point was last weekend at Raissac-sur-Lampy (11),  lovely weather stage set in a gorgeous leafy glade.  My hubby and daughter came with JK and her family, we had wonderful paella and JK and myself got to ride around the dance floor on a donkey[:-))]


Only in France!

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La la la 'and so you're back from outer space!' lol! Glad to hear it Twinks! Sounds like a fun summer for you & I see you caught the best of the weather!!!![:(] Your high point was a good'un, very different. I obviously don't go to the right places![;-)][blink]

I'm sure JK will be bursting with her holiday tales, look forward to hearing them.[:D]

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Bonsoir madame Twinks et Tresco.

That's it, French lessons aren't going to well, as you can tell.

Nice to see you both, have been missing you all.  I haven't really had the time to post all that much, but school begins next week, yippeeeeeeee.  Oh its such a shame when they go back.  No more arguments, or I'm bored.

Only downside is having to get up and be organised in the morning. 


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You're a grafter Twinks and that's for sure! I'm sure folk don't understand what goes into the life of the road....4 years of it was enough for me! And then comes the winter and the road is no longer until the next spring and you just don't know what to do with yourself....then you get cabin fever after a few months of winter then AT LAST it's time to get back on the road and within a few weeks you're wondering 'why the heck was I looking forward to this?'....in my next life I'm going to be a sensible bloke who likes his tea on the table at 6 and gets flustered when asked to do a little more than the 35 hour week! Keep going Twinks!


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]Chris was on the road a lot speed carving.[/quote]


Oh, hang on though, I suppose trees are heavy when you have to lug them around?

Are things quieting down now for you Twinks? It's so nice to hear from you. [:D]

Look forward to Katies Tales of Debauchery, but plain old fashioned Girly Giddiness will suffice[:D]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

  However I am having to do it all myself this summer and it ain't half hard[:(]


Twinks you have both my admiration and my sympathy - it went fromsweltering to bobbins overnight. The sleeping on a floor thing - there is no gallantry in that business is there? All ye who think French men are gallant - hear Twinks' Tale.

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