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Chat Room


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You Cassis are getting to know me too well. When i said, "do you think this site could do with a chat room", i thought people would talk about the pros and cons of chat rooms. When the first 2 replies came in, the comment "oh we having a vote on it", was said tongue in cheek. Still never mind.
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>>>chat rooms are dangerous!!!......back in 1997 i tried a virgin.net chat room just for curiosity..... and i ended up married to Tracy!...<<<<

Chat rooms are dangerous! You don't say!...

Massimo that IS an understatement on your part!

Look at you : as soon as Tracy 'fished' you out of one of these rooms, she got you to open tins for her suppers and poor you, you are now nursing a badly cut up thumb!... Ouch!...

The thing you have to do in the line of duty...

Didn't your Mum tell you to keep away from chat rooms....

How's the thumb doing then?....

Oh!... and another question...

virgin.net is that...

Missy!! be quiet you evil mind!!...HAHAHA!!!!
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...my Mum had no idea what a chat room was...

..but in Italy they say: mogli e buoi dei paesi tuoi  (wife and cows from your own willage)...

..and i ended up with a Scouser!!!

..the thumb is still hanging, it looks quite ugly but it should work by Christmas...


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When I first joined this forum I thought it was just a posh word for a chat room, and was well told off for that mistake by a few young men on here, so what is the difference? never have been on/in a chat room, dont you just talk like this?

If any one needs grooming step this way, just finished my dog the brush is still out[8-)]

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So really Chauffour, reading between the lines, going in to a chat room, was the best thing you ever did. Having a wife named Tracy, well what can i say, fantastic people are named Tracy [Www].

Think the comments about your thumb are getting a bit close to the bone [+o(], ha ha bone get it, oh never mind.

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No pads, its not the same, its abit like MSN, only there are lots of people in one room. You can all be having different conversations, gets confusing at times, but its alot quicker than forums. I guess its like a gossip room, or chit-chat room. OH why can i not explain things right. JUst ripping hair out.
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 Its in 'real time' ,instant,  just like you talk to a friend who is in the room with you. Its much more difficult to find any useful facts as chit chat creeps in (just like real life!) A egger says, it can be very muddly, conversations tend to go off in strands which can be hard to follow.

There is no reason why a few of you couldn't chat via MSN, if you wanted to, but it would be a private arrangement, nothing to do with Living France


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Pads - The main difference in a real chatroom or with MSN Messenger is that you can see who else is in the room with you, or who is typing a message, and it refreshes itself automatically.  It also takes up a lot less physical screen space for each message than the forum format.

So I'm told.  Not that you would see me in one.  Ever.

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