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Jeremy Vine - radio 2 five minutes ago


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>>IMHO it seems to me that some of the young moslem males go down this path not because they deeply love Islam but they dislike those outside their religion for whatever reason .<<

IMHO they go down this path because often they fallen through the educational net, have issues regarding identity and are unemployed with too much disposable time, which makes them a very easy target for those Muslims with radical views and sometimes evil itent.

Its not an accident - someone sets out to recruit these young guys.

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But that's putting the blame on the UK society and I don't accept that . They attend the same schools in the UK as everyone else, if they don't make the most of the opportunities to learn at school then its a poor excuse to start wanting to blow some one up!  There are lots of kids who fall through the educational net and are unemployed..

IMHO these excuses play into the fanatics hands because they can blame 'us' rather than putting the blame where it really lies.

There are less well off and poorer educated muslims in other countries that don't become radical.


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Whats the difference, white kids in a similar position are often targetted by drug dealers ? We readily blame 'society' for that!

There is a big difference between blaming UK society and appreciating that there can be difficulties when a childs parents may be living a very different life in many ways, adhereing to the traditional ways of their country and faith.


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[quote user="Mark"][quote user="Spongebob"]

We have sown the wind, so shall we reap the whirlwind.

We have allowed ethnic minorities to rewrite the rules over the last few years, and will now pay the price.



Tiny proportions of ethnic minorities (and indeed of the WASP majority, if you'll forgive the lazy catch-all) are made up of idiots.  It is those idiots, and only those idiots, who I think have been given too much leeway to preach and practice hate.  The vast majority of people of all cultures just want to live in peace don't they?  


Unfortunately, at this moment in time, the answer appears to be "no".

We have reached a situation, at least in the UK where young Asians think they can do, and say, as they please, since no-one will dare to gainsay them, due to being afraid of being labelled "racist". Meanwhile, the Asians can say as they please, the whites shut up for fear of being arrested on "race hate" charges.[:@]

The PC brigade have done this to us. The Asians have " got the bit between their teeth", and NO-ONE will stop them now, short of civil war. Ask ANYONE who lives in a town with a largish Asian percentage population.[:(]

And before anyone on here even THINKS of starting, NO, I'm NOT advocating civil war.

Personally, I can't WAIT to get myself, and my kids out of the UK, before it dies a horrid death.


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I can't wait for you to go either, and I do hope you managed to get the 11pm sailing tonight!

I remember when me aunty Theresa and uncle Pat were living in Birmingham when the IRA bombed the town centre. All the Irish were now bombers and IRA members! Me cousins were battered at school and me aunty and uncle were ostrich sized from the community they lived in for over 10 years.

I wish I was a Panda! They do no harm to anyone and are content with a bit of bamboo. You don't get pandas causing anti-social behaviour. Why has no one ever wrote a song about a panda? I shall write a song about an illegitamate panda, that lives on a council estate in Bradford, and is tormented by the locals because of of his fatness and for being  half black.



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Dick wrote,

"Don't judge any group by the nutjobs."

This is the reason I wrote in an earlier post that I'm surprised that the BBC have given these men so much air time. I wouldn't want to ban them in the way that Mrs T tried with the IRA, but I do think they've had too much attention this last week and this may make them seem more representative than they are.

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I think that is exactly right, Hoddy. I saw a bit of an interview last night with the editor of the BBC website who was being given a hard time because she consistently chose 'anti' emails to highlight over the Pope's comments. My feeling is that the complaints were justified - as so often against the BBC website, which is a bit odd at times.

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I have to say that when I fly now, I do tend to 'inspect' the other passengers and when there has been an Asian man on the same flight as me I do feel a little worried.

Clearly the terrorism thing works and radical Muslims getting this 'free' publicity only helps to promote their terroristic (sp) (Dick is this a correct term I can use) methods.

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I think that is one looked-for outcome, Dotty, but there are many agendas being served in all of this. From what I read there is a real, long-term crisis in Islam, so the attacks which target other moslems make a sort of sense, but there is also a 'Westophobia' among some radicals, which is what was on display in the anti-Pope arguments in the UK. There is also, I think, a high degree of paranoia on both sides, a multiple clash of cultures, confusion between genuine asylum seekers and economic migrants and so much else. And then various political agendas within the UK see a chance to be advanced by fishing in troubled waters. The end result is that the situation become irretrievably complex and short-term or simplistic answers just stand no chance of working.

On the other hand, I work with many Moslem kids and parents the overwhelming majority of whom are absolutely normal - some are wonderful, some aren't, just like everybody else.

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Why do the BBC and other media, always so careful to claim they represent both the muslim and christian sides fairly, not give prominent atheists the chance to comment on the irrational behaviour of religious fanatics?

We who are not infected by the virus of religious faith, yet whose views are demonstrably more rational than those of both christians and muslims, have to put up with all the results of their religious bigotry.  If it's not crowds of wailing people calling for a dead pope to be hailed as a saint, it's other crowds of breast-beating, koran-quoting, gun-toting creeps threatening violence against all and sundry.

 Is there no newspaper editor, or TV news programme with the courage to point out that these organised religions are all a load of boll*cks?


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I get very, very upset about this. Did you see that the Archbishop of Canterbury has called on Moslems to join with Christians against 'secularists'? As though WE are the irrational ones!

On the Today programme, Thought for the Day, there is a Humanist about once a month, a complete tokenism. Our school pushes RE (by law) at a pupil body which is 90% atheist.

I went to a Humanist funeral this week, and it was a much better celebration of a life than any religious ceremony I have ever been to. I would love to live in a rational world.


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I think we can take personal responsibility for how we behave and know right from wrong without relying on religious leaders, faith, mystical beliefs or gods to justify our behaviour or tell us what to do.

I despair of evangelists, fundamentalists and extremists in any religion whose arguments encourage hate and violence.  I've no problem with those who manage to hold a religious belief (of whatever shade) without demonising and attacking those who disagree with them.  Each to their own.

This forum sometimes seems like a microcosm of belief conflicts!   [:D]

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I agree with you completely Cassis. Commonsense tells me there is no God but sometimes....

I think the 10 Commandments are a pretty good set of rules to live ones life by, but this constant bickering about whose God is the best is just ridiculous. Why can't they keep their God in their hearts and not their mouths?


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