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Wise sayings ... do you have any of your own?


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Some of the things I learned as young lad in the R.A.F.

I the cap fits, then it must be someone elses.

The torque loading of any bolt is up to shear and back a quater.

Never force it, use a bigger hammer.

I was sat on  Table in the airmans mess and a Flt Sergeant cook told me (yelled) that tables were meant for rissoles, gedorf!

When I was using a hammer and holding it near the head I was told by a BIG Flight Sergeant "If god had meant you to 'old that 'ammer there sonny he would 'ave made the 'andle that long! 

And a big Rock Ape, sorry R.A.F. Regiment, Warrent Officer once told a young officer at a lecture about digging slit trenches on the airfield in the event of a Nuke attack. The young officer had said that the WO was not a gardner or he would know how stoney the soil was and how difficult it would be to dig. The WOs reply was "Sir, you would dig a 6 foot slit trench in re-enfirced concrete wiv yer naval given the right incentive"!

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Indecision leads to flexibility.

Or so I keep telling TOH when he asks me how I want to finish off tiles between corridor and bedrooms, how high I want the bathroom mirror, how I want the side of the staircase finished off...

Indecision leads to flexibility.


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[quote user="Just Katie "]"Never let Twinkle do your makeup on your wedding day"........[/quote]

Oh God - she's back!  Oh well the peace & quiet was nice while it lasted.

I think JK is referring to my sisters wedding day where she asked me to be her bridesmaid and made me wear a shocking pink satin puff sleeved dress complete with hoop and staff.
 I looked like a horror film version of "Little Bo Peep" only with a 38 DD inch bust it was more a case of "Big Bo Peep"!

Then on the morning of her wedding she asked me to do her make-up for her[:)]


Like I said "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"[;-)]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

 I looked like a horror film version of "Little Bo Peep" only with a 38 DD inch bust it was more a case of "Big Bo Peep"!


Dunno about a horror film, sounds more like a cheap porn movie to me! [;-)]

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