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Womens Etiquette explained to Men!


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You're a tough lot you wenches. I think 'sympathy' should be added to the marriage vows.

Just make sure you hand the crutches back and they don't end up in the workshop John!

YES I did make it through....but it was touch and go at times...no thanks to you lot! Still it got me out of brushcutting for a while.

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May I suggest a few short courses for women?

Literature: Introduction to world literature, beyond "Hello" magazine and the Medical Dictionary.

P.E (with Mechanics): Up, Down, Up, Down.  So much for the lavatory seat.  Now, for advanced students, the use of the flush.

Biology:  (1)  Sexual Technique:  Not just a man's subject - now available as an optional course for women.

            (2)   Life on earth - without make-up, padded bras and plastic surgery


Ethics:  Only available for a small number of very advanced students



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US women can do Hello! and such like vapid paper entertainment. Good on pictures as we are not too good on big words... so the medical dictionary is OUT of the question...

PE : we already do 'up, down, up , down' but not with lavatories ..... Flush is more associated with hot and PMT ...

Biology (1) Sexual Technique: Not just a man's subject - now available as an optional course for women.

WOT! sorry blokes ! I know many who are still trying to work out what to do with the didgereedoo God gave them at Christmas! ..... and that excludes them from even the foundation level!

Ethics : Didn't know men went for this subject....

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I'm just getting in touch with my masculine side[:)]

My husband always does that thing - I ask him if he wants an orange or a glass of wine and he says no and then pinches some of mine. 

Does this mean that he is in touch with his feminine side?

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He's very good with the toilet seat - in fact he even puts the lid down as well.  I told him that according to fung shui you'll never have money problems when you do this and he believes it! 

He is quite descriptive when describing colours as well.  I've never seen him pick up  a pine cone - but he does look at them in a funny way when we're out walking.

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I bin traind to put the lid down too and I pick up loads a pine cones. They are great on the BBQ and they go really well on the fire in winter (or any time I suppose?). We have about a dozen or so pine trees in the garden and if they weren't picked up we would be knee deep in them. Does that count Dick 'cause I have never painted any, 'onest!

Oh and another good reason for picking them up is to throw at the cats when they come into our garden. The best ones are about 6 inches long and weigh better part of a pound [6]. Don't arf kep the cats on their toes [;-)]...

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[quote user="Chris Head"]I still think my version of HRT would change the world,  Hormone REMOVAL Therapy would turn women into much more reasonable human beings.[/quote]

I should watch your back if I were you, wait untill your good lady has a few more years on her.

Oh and lock your chainsaws away, remember Bobbit?            [img]http://bestsmileys.com/violent/16.gif[/img]

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