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Katie is sooo jealous that I have a thread of my own - she wants one now!

I'm glad you enjoyed my story - by the way I had a great time out with my friends last  night I boogied 'til I almost dropped and didn't get in 'til 5am!  I'm hanging to-day though!!  I'm off later to sing at a friends 40th birthday party so I shall leave you with a little bedtime tale!

We were booked to play a gig somewhere near Montauban, and off we go with the Ford transit van and the rest of the musiciens in a car.  All I seem to have gleened is that it's some sort of private club venue.  We leave the motorway and all the main roads and follow directions for the place and end up on a very out-in-the-sticks dirt track road.  This can't be right I think - but also knowing that it most certainly CAN!

We pull into what seems like a scrap yard - there are bits of motor engines and tyres all over the place.  I'm a bit confused and then I see this huge giant of a long haired, bearded man dressed from head to toe in black leather striding towards us with the smile of a demented Cheshire cat.  He introduces himself and points in the direction of a small white building which is the 'club' we'll be playing in.  It is of course as you've already guessed a Hell Angels moto club.  Oh well I think, this is going to be interesting.

We park outside the club and Didier[blink] tells us that he'll be back later to take us for our dinner before the concert starts.  I open the door of the van and shock horror - we are surrounded by a mare of mud and oil and black sludge.  There's no way I'm going to walk through that lot.  I am wearing pale pink, suede knee length boots.  I look at the guys, I point to my boots.  They shrug.  They start lugging the equipment inside!  I want to cry - do I ?  No. 

I dig around in the glove compartment and find a couple of plastic carrier bags and wrap these around my ridiculously beautiful boots and slowly sink myself into the sudge  carefully making my way into the club.  I'm sure if  I'd asked, Didier would have thrown me over his shoulder and carried me  in...!

We set up,  do a sound-check and we are laughing at the situation we're in - again -and know that this is going to be a 'special' night.  Didier returns and we follow him through a door back-stage which leads into his  living room.  There is a Harley Dabvidson motobike in the middle of the room and a tool box next to it!  He invites us to sit down and eat. He eats his dinner on his bike!

It's time to play and the place is packed, bikes all parked outside, beer flowing, nice atmosphere - they look a bit scary but they are nice people.  We start playing and all is well - they love us thank God!  About half an hour into the first set there is the most enormous explosion and we realise that Didier and a couple of his mates have ridden into the club on their Harleys and are doing a few rounds on the dance floor!  The crowd are going mad and it 's quite frightening - they have these manic looks on their faces. 

They calm down and the bikers exit to deafening applause.  We take a break and have a beer and they tell us how great the band is.  Off we go again and Nico is doing a rather complicating guitar solo when Didier jumps up on the stage next to me with a chainsaw in his arms.  I am a little bit worried!  He starts it up and he reminds me of Jack Nicholson in "The Shining'" (you know the scene at the end when he's trying to get in the bathroom with an axe?)  He's waving it above his head laughing hysterically - he's happy[:)]!

Nothing like a good chainsaw solo is there?

More later[;-)]


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I'm a bit confused and then I see this huge giant of a long haired, bearded man dressed from head to toe in black leather striding towards us with the smile of a demented Cheshire cat.  He introduces himself and points in the direction of a small white building which is the 'club' we'll be playing in.  It is of course as you've already guessed a Hell Angels moto club.


Sunday Driver?

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I'm home!

I was telling the guys what I've started doing on the forum and they think it's great.  I was telling them that I'd told you all about the Hells Angels gig and they told me to tell you that we never got paid! 

They were too scared to pursue the matter as you can imagine[:$]

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