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Cheer Me Up Please

The Riff-Raff Element

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I confess to an unaccountable melancholy this morning, despite it being

a beautiful day and one on which I have no actual work to do. This is

unusual for me as I am usually as cheerful as the day is long (so about

11 hours 43 minutes at this time of year).

Maybe it is the harbingers of winter that are getting to me, or perhaps

it is the sure and certain knowledge that, comme d'habitude, Norwich

City will achieve absolutely nothing yet again this season, or possibly

the discovery that the pointless, stupid, walking flea-hotel that

passes for a dog in this household has once again eaten my slipper. I

just can't put my finger on it. I couldn't even get enthusiastic about

this story from the BBC that illustrates just how low standards of

journalism and writing have slumped at that august institution.

Anyway, does anyone have any cheerful snippets of news to impart?

Perhaps you were able to rescue a kitten from a tree, or you found €5

in the street and bought a stranger a cup of coffee with it (one of my

favourite pastimes - terrifies the living daylights out of some people,

particularly if you stain your teeth red and grin incessantly at them).

Anything really.

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Try this one from the Popbitch website:


President Bush gets out of his helicopter
in front of the White House carrying a baby
pig under each arm.
The Marine guard snaps to attention,
salutes, and says: "Nice pigs, sir."
Bush replies: "These are not pigs, these
are Texan Razorback Hogs. I got one for
Secretary of State Rice, and I got one
for Defence Secretary Rumsfeld."
The Marine again snaps to attention,
salutes, and says, "Nice trade, sir."
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If that one didn't work Jon, try this....




A man, and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning  

by a loud pounding on the door.
The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger,
Standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.
"Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3 o'clock in the
He slams the door and returns to bed.
"Who was that?" asked his wife.
"Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers.
"Did you help him?" she asks.
"No, I did not! It's 3 o'clock in the morning and it is pouring
Out there!"
Well, you have a short memory," says his wife. "Can't you  
Remember about three months ago when we broke down and those two guys  helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!"
The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the
pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still
Yes" comes back the answer.
Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband.
Yes, Please!" comes the reply from the dark.
Where are you?" asks the husband.

"Over here on the swing!" replies the drunk.
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I had a pain au chocolat this morning, delicious, far better than a sausage for breakfast...     


The Lord and the Biker
A biker was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky
 clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said,
 "Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant
 you one wish."
The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can
 ride over anytime I want."
The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic, think of the enormous
 challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to
 reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take!
 It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it
 is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a
 little more time and think of something that would honor and glorify
The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I
 wish that I could understand my wife. I want to know how she feels
 inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment,
 why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I
 can make a woman truly happy."
The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"


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I have just finished work for 4 days , I love finishing on monday morning when everyone else is starting their week , and then i got home there was an email from my hubby just saying I LOVE YOU XX . It has certainly made my day

Why not try going back to bed and see if you wake up on the right side later[8-)]

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I can't find the original article but this news snippet made me laugh for a week!

In a Romanian circus a dwarf was performing his jumping act on a trampoline.  He lost his footing and shot off to the side right into the yawning mouth of a hippopotamus.  The hippo swallowed him whole!

What made me scream out loud was that the crowd were applauding wildly thinking that it was all part of the act!!!


How are you feeling to-day jond?

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Hi everyone,

Jon, you could be me.  I cannot take anymore of my job.  Stuck in shifting paper with trivial, fussy, serious people who talk a load of rubbish like.

"Hey, guess what I did last night.  I emptied my bin when it was only half full"

"OMG what are YOU LIKE"??????

"Am I mad or what"????

Help. I am stuck in a hole and wilting.  I have never worked in a place like this before.  It was funny at first.  I feel like that guy on the red dwarf.  There is only so much ignoring people you can do without appearing rude.

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[quote user="Just Katie "]      .......  Stuck in shifting paper with trivial, fussy, serious people who talk a load of rubbish like.

"Hey, guess what I did last night.  I emptied my bin when it was only half full"

"OMG what are YOU LIKE"??????

"Am I mad or what"????         [/quote]


Oh Dear Katie!.... You should be here!... My colleague just across from my desk discovered she was pregnant 6 to 8 weeks ago...

Though the baby is not due until next May! she is already quizzing me (being the oldest [8-)] so I supposed the more matronely lady in this section of the office) on maternity clothes, maternity leave from work, the birth, breast feeding etc... buying baby stuff galore.... and really it is nice that she is finding joy with it but ME!! It's 21 years since the last one and I REALLY DON'T WANT TO KNOW anymore!!!

My other colleagues are all talking about Xfactor and which pubs they'll go to next Friday to get trashed!!! and those that have kids are wondering if their parents would look after the kiddies for that one more time exceptional occasion  ......... since last Friday...... 

I just want TO GO HOME!  [:'(][:'(]! I think Twinks 'Cosmic Trigger' is having a momentary bleep!....

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Dear Katie,

I'm afraid that I could never take succour from the unhappiness of

others, so I hope very much that your day was improved in some way and

that you have escaped your hole. With people like that I find imagining

myself flailing them about the head and body with a big, dead fish

quite theraputic. My mood was not helped yesterday by a letter from the

URSSAF regarding the "régularisation" of my payments for the past two

years that seems to entail my paying them €3000 toute-bleedin'-suite.

Still, shite happens, life goes on and I am in a much better mood today.

I thank you all for your contributions in cheering me up and I hope that I can do the same for you sometime.

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Beryl that looks like a nice beach , where is it?/ It s loverly having the beach to your self isnt it , i walk my dogs on our local beach at 6.30am so i dont meet to many other people normally.

Katie been in that job too many times my self , I use to spend my time dreaming of the day i would live in cornwall and have a house in france, it seemed a long time away then , but Oh look here i am .............I could spend the whole 8 hour day dreaming like that . so remenber dreams do come true and one day you will be where you want to be , and they will still be there in there dreamless lives . that should be enough to make you smile at work tomorrow . Just keep dreaming

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[quote user="TWINKLE"] [quote user="missyesbut"]   My other colleagues are all talking about Xfactor and which pubs they'll go to next Friday to get trashed!!!  [/quote]   Is there a job going in your office for Katie?  She'd love it there!!!   [/quote]


I don't think she would want to move from South Wales up to Mid Wales... There is more life and places to get trashed down there than up here!.. She's got Swansea, Cardiff (bladdy lorverly when rugby is on!), Newport, Merthyr.... she's really spoilt for choice down there...a pub every 10 yards!

Here there's a pub every 10 miles which makes it hard for a proper pub crawl night... well.... a few sheep in between but that would be more for Chris's enjoyment than the us the girls!....[Www]

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Missey, I would love that job.  Avin a larf wiv da yungstaz and scaring the pregnant lady witless if she ignored my aversion to talking about womens bits in public.  That would learn her.

There is a conversation going on across the room with the anoraks.

"Ooooh I had a terrible night last night, I went shopping and got locked out of my car!" (In a squeaky rising loud welsh irritating accent).

"And guess what?  It didnt end there.........................I had a bought a bottle of wine and did not have a bag" (because she is a tree hugger).

"Well...........if you saw the looks from passers by.  Can you imagine it?  Me standing outside a car holding a bottle of wine?"


Then it went on as another one tried to out do her on the "madness" aspect.

"Well I got up this morning and the council had put all orange stickers over my rubbish because I put paper in the tins bin!!!"

"OMG What ARE you like" replied the one with the wine dilemma.

"Ahhhhh", they both said together then got stuck into their work.

I cannot wait for the christmas party.  Or shall I stay at home and stamp on leggo.  Ummm ip dip!

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