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Feel the Love withe the Cosmic Trigger


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I just got this.


The Transition of Transmutation 1017

Article Author: Article Date 2006-09-19

A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006.

This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now
and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher
dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day.
Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of
your time.

This beam resonates with the heart chakra; it is radiant fluorescent
in nature, blue/magenta in color. Although it resonates in this
frequency band, it is above the color frequency spectrum of your
universe-1 which you, Earth, articulate in. However, due to the nature
of your soul and soul groups operating from Universe-2 frequency
bands, it will have an effect.

The effect is that every thought and emotion will be amplified
intensely one million-fold. Yes, we repeat, all will be amplified one
million times and more.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if
it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one
million times in strength.

What does this mean ?

Since all matter manifested is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you
focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them
at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster
than they normally would.

For those who do not comprehend - your thoughts, what you focus on,
create your
reality. This UV beam, thus, can be a dangerous tool. For if you are
focused on thoughts which are negative to your liking, they will
manifest into your reality almost instantly. Then again, this UV beam
can be a gift if you choose it to be.

Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on
positive, benign, good willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth
and Humanity on this day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of your
choosing, but remember - whatever you focus on will be made manifest
in a relatively faster than anticipated time frame. To some, the
occurrences may almost be bordering on the miracle.

All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth,
kindness, gratitude be focused on.

This UV beam comes into full effect for 17 hrs on the 17th of October 2006.

No matter what time zone you are in, the hours are approximately 10:17
am on the 17th of October to 1:17 am on the 18th of October.

The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10 pm) on the 17th of October.

You do not need to be in a meditative state throughout this time,
though it would be beneficial. The main key time, no matter what time
zone you are in, will be the peak time of 17:10 (5:10 pm).

Perhaps at this time, if you can, find a peaceful spot or location to
focus in. The optimum is out in the vicinity of grounded nature,
likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean waves. Focus on
whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of all
Earth and Humanity is positive thoughts of a loving nature.

We call this UV beam trigger event, “g818“ gateway. Please
forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this
cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good willed thoughts. We
require approximately 1-million people across the globe to actively
participate in this event.

Please use whatever communication mediums you have at your disposal.
Reach out to as many people as possible. We require 1-million plus
people at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from separation
and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness. This is your
opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e. Peace and
Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.

This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer
to your prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to
participate is your choice.


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And I will be collecting my daughter from school (three buses and over an hour).  I shall do my best to be remain very serene on the top deck of the bus...

Hey, but perhaps it WOULD work if we all had positive thoughts at the same time?!


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]   Since all matter manifested is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you
focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them
at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster
than they normally would.   ........   [/quote]

Let's get on the act now!...  and focus on .... a pay rise! and most of all focus on winning the UK  .... AND.... the Euro lotteries !

[quote user="TWINKLE"]      The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10 pm) on the 17th of October.  You do not need to be in a meditative state throughout this time,  though it would be beneficial.  [/quote]

In order to get the most out of such meditative state then that's a day off  for me I have decreed. The vibes of this beam would really clash with the office vibes.

....   [blink]        



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I am taking my daughter to the dental Hospital tomorow, lots of calm thought needed by myself and her. I hate the Dentist just that bit more than she does, and she hates the thought of having it confirmed that her wisdom teeth need to come out.

By the time I get home I will need some more relaxing thoughts after dodging  the city trafic.

17.10 , here tomorrow.........do not forget your calm thoughts and a bottle of wine!

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


We should maybe be focusing on world peace and universal love!  You have definately been living in Wales for too long!




I'll focus on that too but THAT IS IT!! I can't overload the system or it will never work ....  

Phew! Just the thought of it... I'll need my bottle of wine then, I'll be SO exhausted..... [kiss]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

[quote user="louweezel"] Cripes, I have drunk to much!

Who sent you that??!!

EDIT: I am unfortunately busy on the 17th.

Well, I hope you're busy doing nothing otherwise you are going to be very tired!

My husband sent me it[:$]


Twinks,,,  where did he get it from???

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I am feeling pleasantly happy so far.  I can't wait 'til 5pm!!!

My mother in law unexpectantly turned up and normally I want to kill her, but I spent a whole hour chatting and smiling with her.  She is probably wondering what is going on!!!

Can anyone else feel the cosmic trigger working for them?

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Well so far.....  Not really felt anything.... Not for lack of concentrating on world peace, universal love (as Twinks requested) and concentrating on winning the lotteries which is More important! [geek] !

Mind you OH was home last night and he was in a jolly pleasant mood despite having spent all afternoon installing a satellite dish and teaching his Mother 'Who-Knows-How-To-Do-Everything-In-The-World!!'  how to use the remote control. I really had to applaud the man 'coz any tasks involving his mother are somewhat very trying and blood pressure can be measured on Richter scales... So the 'Cosmic Trigger' must have been working on him...

Can't wait [:D] until 5.10pm.... O[8-)]!... I'll be on the road car-sharing with a colleague going home after a hard day at work... Maybe some cosmic rays will beam us up like Scottie... 

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 Ok Jayjay, i'll take over on KatieWatch for you! Have a good 'un!


Ps...................still not feeling that vibe Twinkle. Probably cause i'm painting, and that always annoys me.........and the batts keep running out on the MP3 player................gggrrrrr.

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