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Try this to get off from a speeding ticket.

megans mum

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When the police motorcyclist stopped a motorist for speeding the following conversation took place, try it.

Good morning sir, do you know why I stopped you?

No !

You were travelling well in excess of the speed limit so I would like to see your drivers licence please sir.

I am sorry but I don't have one!

Any reason sir ?

Yes, I have been banned for the last 5 years !

Ok sir, so do you happen to have the car registration documents sir?

Sorry no I don't, you see it's not my vehicle....(pause) I stole it!

So let me get this straight sir....You do not have a current drivers licence and you are in possesion of a stolen vehicle ?

That's correct officer !

But hey wait a minute ! I think I saw a registration document in the glove box when I put my gun in there.

You have a gun in the glove box Sir?

Yes I do.

Ok sir, why would you be in possesion of a firearm sir?

Quite simple officer......I used it to shoot the woman who's car I am now driving.

So you shot the Lady owner of this vehicle?

Yes I did and she is at this moment in the boot of the car, I was on my way to the woods to bury her when you stopped me!.

At this point the officer took a few steps back and radioed back to the base for back-up and within minutes the area was surrounded with armed response units and helicopters.

Looking somewhat surprised at the speed of all this the driver called over the police Captain (who had just arrived on the scene) and asked him what was going on.

The Captain said, I am told that you have no licence and have been banned.

Not at all..(He then produced a full and valid licence.

I am also told that you have stolen this vehicle....he then went on to produce his registration document.

Looking a little bemused the police Captain then asked him about the gun in the glove box, Take a look there's nothing in the glovebox!

Ok Sir, what about the body in the boot?

The boot was open and nothing in there except for a spare wheel.

At this point the Captain was beside himself when the driver of the car looked at the Captain and said,

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