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Room 101 AGAIN

Just Katie

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[quote user="Cassis"]We're not neighbours, are we?

I was hard at work with the jack-hammer this morning battering the last of the old cement render off the gable end.  Had to stop at 2.00pm when the sun came around the corner in case the electric cable melted...

No, note the time I posted..........the guy started at 2.30 pm!  mad. best place for him is room 101. not house number12[img]http://bestsmileys.com/violent/2.gif[/img]

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Missyesbut I think i will send my mother in law in to join yours, She hates me She makes no secret about it. when the 3 of us are in the car of which she has to sit in the front because sitting in the back makes her sick, she points out all the good looking women to my husband and says things like look at the type of woman you could have if you hadnt of married her..............Once when she was visiting, my husband got up off the sofa to have a wee she turned to me and said is'nt it time you went to bed. She will do anything to get rid of me like insisting she needs something from the shops(which are half an hour away. Or she will say dave will you take me to.........so and so, then turn to me and say you dont have to come............It dosnt matter what dave says to her she wont give up. I dont raise to the bait I just laugh at her. The funniest thing she said was 8 months after we had had a car accident and i had just got back up onto my feet with crutches, which is easier if you do it quickly rather than dordle. (she cant walk because she is so fat her ankles are twisted and her knees knackerd, so hanging on to dave and me storming off ahead . she said she dosnt have any idea what its like not to be able to walk....................................Errrrrrrrrrr. Id just spent 8 months flat on my back. Dave and I just pissed our selfs on the pavement while she fumed at us and had a paddy. Its not funny really its sad, But dave dosnt invite her here anymore cos he had enough of her nastiness, and i dont augue with him over that......................So lets start a new mother in law room 101[:-))]  
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Oh by the way my 3 things are:

People who meet friends in doorways of shops or in the walkways of supermarkets and stand in a group of 4 with trolleys getting in everyones way

People who dont pick up after there dogs especially on the beach

People who dont work and then have the gall to say arnt you lucky to have your own home or try to make me feel bad for bying a second home in france. WE WORKED HARD ALL OUR LIVES FOR BOTH OF THEM. we didnt spend all or money on clothes fags gold chains and going out every night.


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Top Ten Questions by MY MOTHER-IN-LAW


10. Don't you ever miss Wales?

9.  You & Seb have more of a brother/sister relationship don't you...?

8.  When you go back to Wales - you will keep in touch, won't you?

7.  If ever things went wrong between the two of you, we'd still be friends wouldn't we?[:-))]

6.  You don't mind if I still clothe, feed and buy medicine for him do you?

5.  Do you  get on well with the boys in your band?

4.  Don't you ever worry about Seb & other women when he's on tour?

3.  Have you noticed how young the girls who go to Sebs concerts are?

2.  17 years you've been together? - Oh! Has it been that long?

1.  You don't mind me being so personal do you?


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Top Ten Questions by MY MOTHER-IN-LAW



4.  Don't you ever worry about Seb & other women when he's on tour?


I wish my mother in law was so suttle, I get a blow by blow account of what (goes on in her twisted mind) she thinks Dave gets up to while on tour, If I hear well you cant love him if you dont care about him being away so much ,one more time she will wear those words..............[6]

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Ah yes Ali now there is another  of her favorite topics of conversation, how she will never have daves granchildren, yet i hear from his brother and sister that she totally ignors the fact they have children, and dos,nt even like kids. But trying to make people feel guilty is what she dose best, and i guess we all have to be good at something[:-))] still at least we are putting the miles between us even further................  
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[quote user="Cassis"]Thanks - mystery solved!  Aoûtats!


Ah!! Dau musset!  as in Doh Mussai (u sound-not oo) That's patois from the area of Melle in 79... My grandfather would spot them 20 yards away coming to him for a take-away on his arms. He would swot the thing with a loud clap and calmly say : 'Avour tu rotera' or in french 'now you (** pesky***) can digest your free meal!'  ...

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Radio news bulletins that are full of what is going to happen

(e.g. the Prime Minister will be visiting Bognor Regis Hospital tomorrow and making a statement about health care)

rather than what has happened

(e.g. the Prime Minister today visited Bognor Regis Hospital and made a statement about health care)

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  • 2 months later...

No. It was aimed at the counter staff and the particular lady in mind has, I think, exited through the trapdoor in to retirement. She's been replaced by a younger, but equally po-faced apprentice.

On a more serious note, the cost of mail distribution in rural areas like around here and many many other parts of France, must be astronomical.  Quite apart from her cost of employment, the lady driving the little yellow car must go through tyres every 15k kms or so, given the rate of knots that she does her handbrake turns in our little lane.  

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