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Just Katie

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Oh I just found where the photo came from it's public domain so it's allowed - happy?



If you select the photo where it is displayed halfway down the page you will clearly see that it is Royalty Free BUT it is Rights Managed and the photo has copyright written all over it. This means you can buy the right to use it and the price varies from between 144.99 and 749.99 USD depending on what you want to use it for. Although it's found through google its actually not on their website at all it's located at http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/deely-bopper.html which is stock photo (and film) company.

Using their help function it is explained thus.

What are Royalty Free Images?
Royalty-Free images are images that can be used multiple times, for almost any usage (refer to each manufacturer's licensing agreement for exact specifications). Royalty-Free image pricing is based only on size (not usage) and there are never additional fees for using the image. Royalty-Free images can often be purchased with other Royalty-Free images on discs for an added value.

What are Rights-Managed Images?
Rights-Managed images are images that must be licensed for a specific use. The fee for these images is calculated from several factors including size, placement, duration, and geographic location. Rights-managed images are licensed for a specific use and cannot be used for any purpose other than what is specified when licensing the image. If you are looking for a unique image, then look to Rights-Managed images. They will often provide a more distinct image than will royalty-free.

Once you have paid you will recieved a licence and you can use the photo. The reason its Royalty Free is that the licence for this photo permitts you to put it on a website where it would be very difficult to say exactly how many people have actually looked at it to be able to charge a fee for each viewing. Rights Managed means as many people as you like can view it on your website as you have made a one off payment and have recieved a licence.

Please make sure you all check for this next time you upload a photo.

Thank You.

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Back on topic about how boring my life is right now. Hubby said "fancy coming up Big Mans House?" normally its good fun and they are a real good crowd.  However,,,,,,however, this time of year they are all into club rugby.  He promised me they would not be watching it tonight.  Superb j'ai dit.  Mais, quand I walked in here it was like an ogres tea party.  All big heavies around a table making animal noises.  So I am scootering off in the next available taxi.  I am going home alone to do the times crossword.

Yipee what a crazy friday night.

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[quote user="Just Katie "]Nice won Leo??? actually, I think he is a bit of a perv..... But that is me and sometimes I am wrong.[/quote]

A harmless one.

Stop being so cynical just 'cos' you have to gategrash peoples parties to use their computers to get on the forum - you are boring us.

Sort your techie problems out with your husband - God don't you you know how to manipulate a bloke yet at your age?

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