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How Unlike the Home Life of Our Own Dear Queen

The Riff-Raff Element

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I can't believe it! I filled my own slippers with hot chicken stock.

And I was sober. I've stuffed them with paper and sprayed them with

Fabrise (sp? - I threw the bottle away in disgust), but I've still got

a decided odour following me around. They were not expensive, but I'm

very attached to them (what with them being a bit sticky and all) - any

ideas for ridding me of this smell??? 

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I think I saw one of the 'How clean is your house?' team use cloths with baking soda (please check this bit) plus a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the centre and put into 'twists' (like the blue bags of salt you used to get in crisps) placed in each shoe/slipper overnight.

I hope someone else saw it (last nights programme)

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I think it's Jon D circa 1984 - am I right?


Close - 1987, just before economic imperitive intervened, and I was

forced to graduate from university and get an actual job that paid

money. I couldn't remember where I got the piccy of Zizou from - I'm

pretty sure that it was open source and free of copyright but I

couldn't be certain - so I substituted a copy of the passport picture

that got me into all kinds of tricky questioning until it was stolen in


The chicken stock (fortunately off the boil) was destined for a

casserole. I was distracted by one of my howling brood, turned sharpish

and slopped a great splash all over my be-slippered feet. They're just

about dried out, but the smell....I'll try some of the fine suggestings


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[quote user="Chris Head"]Stop being such a tight bum Jon and buy a new

pair....anyway what are you doing in slippers at your age, it's not


Oh it's not the money, just pure sentiment really - I've had these for

many happy summers. They're more cork-soled flipflps than traditional

slippers and took over the rôle of indoor footwear about a year ago.

They're open toed and have a great cooling effect on overheated

tootsies. I think that the stock has soaked into the cork, hence the

stubbon aroma. This may be the end, I fear.

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[quote user="Jon D"]  so I substituted a copy of the passport picture that got me into all kinds of tricky questioning until it was stolen in 1995. [/quote]

Jeez, I don't even like showing passport control my pic!  

Glad it was only the slippers that copped it Jon & you didn't come to any harm. 

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[quote user="Jon D"]..... any ideas for ridding me of this smell???  [/quote]

Washing machine job! Only the shoes/slippers in the machine set on the coolest and shortest setting your machine has. My machine has also a setting whether it's a full load or half, if yours has, set it on half load. Not more than a teaspoon full of powder that you normally use. Program dryspin cycle to the slowest. Take out at end of it. Reshape shoe/slipper if a tad mis shaped and dry at normal room temperature ... et voilà !!

If it works for Son&Heir's muddy, smelly, disgusting rugby shoes, it should work for yours...

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