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Thankyou JayJay, well sadley I have to go to work in a bit so I shall have to love and leave you, have a good night tonight, and we will speak in the morning, I have a good Idea for  a new thread so if you are about at 7.30am you can be my first poster. Go and sit in the garden at 2.30 uk am when im on my tea break and we can stare at the stars together[;-)]  
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Pads that picture was so sweet.[:)] What was the little animal with his tongue sticking out?

[quote user="Cassis"]It's gone very quiet on this thread - have you all finally dropped off to sleep?  Or is this thread reserved for night-time use only?

It's Insomniacs! For me that means it's a late night/very early morning thread. Who knows where it'll end up?

I reckon Jay Jay got about three hours last night[:'(] I got 7 (slightly broken) hours in the end.


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Was it a bunny jay jay? i thought his ears were a bit short for a wabbit!

YEs, sure I noticed his tongue was out. My old cat (the one that died recently) used to forget to put his tongue in sometimes, like this smiley. [:P]

I suppose I had a sentimental moment there.[:)]

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[quote user="pads"]Go and sit in the garden at 2.30 uk am when im on my tea break and we can stare at the stars together[;-)]  [/quote]

Well, I joined you![:-))] Lovely & peaceful & surprisingly warm. Listened to the bats, heard a couple of owls, saw 2 shooting stars & came back in with 3 gnat bites![:'(] I hope the night went swiftly for you.


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Im afraid it was very misty here so didnt see any stars, but did spot two dogey looking characters in the staff carpark. Its now my week end i love monday mornings, and my boss let me go home half an hour early so i love him to. I have done all my chores and am now having coffee and a peanut kitkat looking at my messages. and am just going to start a new one see you there................[:)]
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[quote user="Tresco"]

Pads that picture was so sweet.[:)] What was the little animal with his tongue sticking out?

[quote user="Cassis"]It's gone very quiet on this thread - have you all finally dropped off to sleep?  Or is this thread reserved for night-time use only?

It's Insomniacs! For me that means it's a late night/very early morning thread. Who knows where it'll end up?

I reckon Jay Jay got about three hours last night[:'(] I got 7 (slightly broken) hours in the end.



Tresco that little baby bunnie was my suggestion for your new avatar, as you said you needed a new one

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After our first daughter was born, I had real problems getting back to sleep after the midnight feeds. My problem was (what is laughingly known as) my brain was active and one thought lead to another and it was hard to turn-off and get to sleep.

 I managed to evolve a method of going back to sleep that has worked until recently.

 I started writing a story. Maybe not a very good one and one that I would never put on paper but by focussing on this I manage to stop free associating thoughts and it does not take long to send me off. One just concentrated on a character (how did this person get to be the person he/she is)? Or an incident (watching a sheet lightening thunderstorm from the comfort of a shelter) and usually Zzzz…

 A couple of years ago, I started actually writing the story and got to 45,000 words. I thought that I had to do another 5,000 to finish (far too short for a real novel) but three things stopped me finishing. Firstly, I rather liked keeping the story fluid in my head. Secondly, I had become a bit anti-social at week-ends and thirdly, I recognise that my writing style is way short of literate.

 So I try and stick to my post midnight insomnia cure. Latest story is about a crooked English estate agent in the Dordogne… Clearly a work of outragous fiction.

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Good for you Renaud! Although, I wouldn't have thought thinking of a story involving a crooked English estate agent, although fictitious, would be conducive to sleep.[;-)]

It seems everyone is sleeping soundly tonight, just for a change[:D]

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won't the dogey estate agent play ball? [:)] where are you sat right now? I was in bed but was told by other half if your going to sit there typing can you go down stairs grumpy git.......... so im sat with the dog in the conservatory looking at the moon. Ah the wonders of a wireless laptop[:D]
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Mmmmm OHs dogs and cats ........... ive no chance of getting back in to bed now so i guess its time for a coffee and call it morning. The moon just disappeared, no clouds just went? must of had a date some where else I guess[blink] Looks like Jay Jay having a nights sleep so keep it down  out there[;-)] 
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Are you tired during the day, or napping in the day, Pads?  I'm just wondering whether it's a sleeping pattern problem, hormonal, psychological or whether you simply don't need so much sleep as a lot of other people.  Some people can get by fine on 3-4 hours and others (like me) need 7-8 hours.  There's no such thing as a 'normal' amount of sleep except at an individual level.

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Its a mixture of things from a bad back which wakes me up, and working 3 nights aweek, and bad sleeping habits, when hubby is away I go to bed for a few hours then get up then go back to bed again later, and I do some times nap during the day. I do only need about 6 hours a day but only manage about 4 most days, but it builds up until im exhausted them I can sleep alday some times. It is what happens when there is no routine to your life. But I do sometimes enjoy being up in the middle of the night as I can get lots done while it is cool, and you get to meet some nice people on the forum who cant sleep to..................so everything has a bright side hey[:D]
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Me too!

Pads you just reminded me of a very strange time when something horrible happened to me every night. I had something like cramp, but not cramp. More like uncontrollable leg twitching? I'm sure it was connected to my back problems, but at the time I thought I had a rare exotic condition.

I used to get up and walk around, no forum action then.[:(]

Oh and pads, thank you for the lovely little bunny/bunny jug picture! 

I knew it was for my Avatar, but it doesn't look so good when you shrink it down[:(]

It was super cute though. You are on the right track.[:)]

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

... My way of coping when I'm awake at 2, 3, 4 is first of all to recognise the pattern and say to myself 'Ok I'm not going to sleep right now, let's use the time positively'.



I have always done exactly what you suggest and I find it works very well for me. I am very fortunate in that I can sleep anywhere anytime but occasionaly I do wake up in the early hours.

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