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For the boys.

Chris Head

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I'm just trying to find a way aroung an expression that comes to mind. Something along the lines of "Smell a rat!!!"

Besides Chris would never " Do a quick job for cash". I don't think it's in his vocabulary? But it might be if the incentive is there???
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[quote user="Chris Head"]   Yeah I'd love your help chaps. How do I get a new amp without Sarah finding out? .... [/quote]


Blame it on Welsh! Put him in the frame of things first, go with him to get the new amp.... then tell Sarah that for Welsh's Xmas you ought to give him a little bonus to whatever amount the amp cost. Then keep the receipts and produce them to your accountant as tax deductable tools of the trade !!

And you need blokes for help! I am off to the chemist to get a bottle of peroxide to pour over my head! [:D]

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Two things come to mind here. One for each of you!!!

One for Missy and that is the colour you look best in is the colour you are NATURAL in. your hair will thank you for it and won't fall out. Mind you , you could set a new fashion and paint your head silver or green or etc. Don't use gloss!!!

One for Chris. Would you be happy with a bodgeit&legit job or would you rather lie like a chocolate frog and blame Welshe. Do the lie and have a drink to drown your sorrows and buy him a pint to rub on the bruises from Sara... I think I like Sara?

But if you had a nayle gun you might find it useful after all!! BEWARE! You could follow a bad dream and become a bodgit?

Of course there is a 3rd way. TELL THE BRUDDY TRUTH!
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[quote user="Jonzjob"]Two things come to mind here. One for each of you!!!

One for Missy and that is the colour you look best in is the colour you are NATURAL in. your hair will thank you for it and won't fall out. Mind you , you could set a new fashion and paint your head silver or green or etc. Don't use gloss!!! [/quote]

I forgot how good your beauty tips are John............Got any more.

(Ps. i have dyed my hair a million times and it hasn't fallen out once!)


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I forgot how good your beauty tips are John............Got any more.

Yes, do as Frances and I have done for the past 17 years. Don't use soap of any kind on your hair. We just rinse it with warm water instead of washing. It's thick with it's own natural oils, not greasy, and as Frances' hair is way down past her shoulders it's lovely, soft, shiney and full. Much better than it was when she/we used shampoo.

I have always avoided fashion and only joined it when it has gone. Then I'm early when it comes back, I think?
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    Ok John i was about to mock you but actually being serious for 1 min, what happens about combing hair when washed, without having used conditioner? Doesn't it just get all knotty? Does it smell at all? I could be tempted to try it you know!

EDIT: go on John start your own 'natural beauty' thread!


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Sorry to hi-jack your fred again Chris, but this works for us guys as well.

If you think about Louise when you wash your hair with shampoo you wash out all the natural oils so you need to use a conditioner to put oils back. If you stop using shampoo or any soap then you still have the natural oils but you have rinsed the muck out. How much shampoo does your cat use?

For the first 3 week, maybe a little more or less, after you stop using soap your scalp will still try to replace the oils that have been washed out before so your hair will be quite greasy and will irritate. But after that period it will say to itself hey I don't need to replace this oil and it just produces what it needs. The outcome is that your hair has it NATURAL oils and looks a lot better than it ever did using shampoo. You won't be able to fill it full of gell or other crap. I would also imagine that if I were a motor mechanic and got my hair covered in engine oil or the like then I would have to use a soap to remove it, but I don't think that a one off like that would upset the routine too much.

Answer to the question about what does it look/smell like. My coiffeur domicile would not believe us when we told her what we do... You smell like you, not some bottle of chemicals. It used to take my hair about 5 minutes to dry, now it takes about 1/2 to an hour. It combs just the same and Frances' hair has a lot more body than ever it did before and looks and feels lovely!! No problems at all and it doesn't take as long to rinse either. Dry, yes, but not rinse...

Frances would be better than me at a natural beauty thread! If you look like a camel you don't give a princess beauty tips>>!

Go on, try it, but give it at the very least a month, maybe more, and let us know how you get on!! Now there's a challenge for you?
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 Obviously the cats don't use shampoo. They find it awkward opening the bottles. And yes they are soft and lovely (and smell nice) but on the downside they have fleas!

I don't know if i could cope with greasy hair for a month though John, but i'm tempted to give it a go............ any other ladies up for trying it??

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Well Gaye our 'experiment' has been going on for 17 years now, me with a blokes short hair and Frances with long lovely hair. We would NOT go back to soaps. I don't know who or what this morning is, but they obviously got it wrong and I'll be willing to bet that it was not for so long either?

What chemicals are in your shampoo and conditioner. Does the con-ditioner have the same oils that you wash out I wonder. I'll bet not. You hair may look wonderful, but untill you see it as 'should' be then how do you know?

Edit . I have just been looking at the web site that Louise posted in French Hairdressers and I had not seen it before. If you want some lowdown on shampoos, have a look!!! We don't and have never used anything but warm water. That's the only difference.

Don't knock it till youve tried it!!!
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Good points John. Most of us as consumers have been manipulated over the years to believe that we cannot live life without X Y or Z and we all have our weaknesses, girls like to smell nice and have silky hair, boys want the latest power tools (or amplifiers!!!).

I personally get sweaty and dirty when I work and often my hair is full of saw chips from chainsaws that contain alot of chain oil, I need the chemicals otherwise I'd give it a go! 

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Chris, have you ever thought about wearing a hat/cap to keep the crip out of your hair. The stuff that I do probably produces a much finer dust than yours. It ain't got the chain oil in it, but as you lnow there are a load of oils in wood. I use a little 'old fasioned train drivers' hat and it works wonders. It is one that I was issued with in the 60s when I was in the R.A.F.

When I'm turning deep vases or goblets I get quite sweaty too!! Have a look at that web site Louise posted in French Hairdressers and see whta you are putting on your head. Failing that use a liquid soap like the Marseille soap, made with olive oil and no crip...
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If it works for you -  fine each to their own.

There are two reasons I doubt it work for me and quite a few others here. The first is that I have my hair coloured, any natural oils would be stripped by that and by the time they had built up again it would be time for a 'half head' or retouch and so it would we would back to square one. The second reason is that I live in the outskirts of a largish town with all the pollution associated with it, even going to my mothers (who is a smoker) leaves my hair and clothes smelling.....how would I get rid of that ?

Last year (as some here know) I fell and broke my shoulder, after the Op I was told that I couldn't shower, not being able to wash my hair regularly was horribly depressing, it itched and was lank and did not feel the least bit nice.

My daughter washes her hair daily, which IMHO is too much and I think you go round in a viscous circle, but I just use a mild shampoo and a good conditioner a couple of times a week and I'm happy with that.

I'm sure it works for some people, but its not for me.

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I'm with Gay....I just need to shower! In the summer minimum twice a day...perhaps once a day in the winter. I don't like my 'head' being restricted in any way...it takes away some of the senses that are vital to me....I just like being covered in crip and washing it away. I do use an expensive shower gel that is supposed to be pretty mild and don't use shampoo.
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For crying out loud Chris, stick a bruddy cap on yer head. It may well stop some good thoughts escaping! Broody youngsters, not willing to try anything new. Next thing you know he will be using a nail gun. Wadyu think Sausage? Sorry Cassis me old cherry!!
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    Greasy hair is due to a build-up of the natural secretion

('grease' or, more correctly, sebum) from glands in the scalp

(sebaceous glands). The sebum passes into the hair follicle and

spreads upwards and over the hair shaft. It is not absorbed into

the shaft.

(no rude comments please)

    The feel of the hair depends on the volume of

grease present. At certain, times, such as puberty. there is a marked

change in sebum production due to higher levels of male hormones.

At such times the hair may become more greasy and need to be washed

more often. Inadequate removal of the grease makes the problem worse.

    The scalp produces much the same amount of grease

whatever the hair style. Since very short hair offers a smaller

area over which the grease can spread, greasiness can

be especially troublesome on short hair.

     Not shampooing often enough may result

in a build-up of grease and material - environmental dirt and bacteria - on the hair. Perspiration plus

grease may result in lank strands of hair which look unpleasant

and may be unmanageable.

(do you hear that........unpleasant!!! Thanks John)

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Louise, greasy hair. It's only been about 24 hours!!!

As far as that article above, who the hell wrote? Probably the managing director of a shampoo firm!! What a load of c r a p . my hair is short and not greasy in any way. Frances' hair is long and because she doesn't strip the natural oils out is full, soft, shiny and healthy! It does not smell anything but nice and is perfectly managable..

The 'person' who wrote the above obvisiouly does not know his backside from a hole in the ground and I will bet he/she can't talk when they are sat down, because they are sitting on their mouthpeice!

So there :-0!!
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