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[quote user="Pip"] Oooooh, Dick ! That sounds so painful - did your friend recover ?????? The bally things will definitely stay in the fridge now [:-))][/quote]

Ok, after your reply that I missed while posting, then keep them & feed them to someone who upsets you, as a revenge attack! [:-))]

Edit: Sorry changed quote to the correct one. Sorry, pk's & wine don't mix![:$]

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="JayJay"][quote user="Pip"]

Jay Jay what's a Merguezzzzzzzz ????????[:-))]


Pip, It's a spicey lamb sausage, sometimes lamb & beef mixed. You might have seen them, they're a deep red in colour. When you cook them, they have a nasty habit of spurting everywhere, but they're quite delicious though. 


The only trouble with Merguez is, how can one put this delicately, they can lead to the phenomenon known as the Ring of Fire. A friend had his first merguez at the Le Mans 24 hours a few years ago, and about an hour later it had him right back...

"Ring of fire" Joke

Two aircraft maintenance technicians who had discovered a liquid that tasted like malt whisky, dripping from the undercarriage , and promptly filled all available containers, returned to work the next day.  The wiser of the two said to his mate , if you drank more of that stuff last night, whatever you do , don't fart or you will end up in Abu Dhabi!



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[quote user="LEO"]

[quote user="Cassis"]Leo - that is awful.  Fancy suggesting eating a puppy.  Christine Animal and the other girls will be very upset with you.


How can a picure of sausage and mash look like a puppy?

are you looking at a different screen?


Well, I posted a picture of sausage and mash, but you posted this:

[quote user="LEO"]

[quote user="Cassis"]I used to go out with a girl from Workington.  Very tasty.



Quick, I need a knife and fork![/quote]

I can't imagine what happened ! [:-))]

Perhaps you should edit it? [;-)]

Thank you for the fork, Pip - what do you suggest I do with it? [:D]

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Boys, boys, boys.....I can do surreal, but even Salvador Dali would have trouble working out what you two are on about! I'm wearing my "extremely puzzled and out of my depth" face right now (with streetwear, it's not really a good look with wincyette at this time of day). Maybe someone can step in and interpret? I admit to being a natural blonde, but my brain cells have overheated (yeah, both of 'em) trying to see where this is going (or, more specifically, where it came from) Is there a doctor in the house?
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If you want the whole truth, you'll have to PM me.

The partial truth is:

Look back a number of messages and someoene said that Cumberland sausages are best.  I replied that I used to go out with a girl from Workington (which is in Cumberland) and she was very tasty.  I backed this statement up with a picture of a plate of Cumberland sausage and onion gravy and mash.

Leo copied my post and asked if anyone had a knife and fork but somehow

 [Www] [Www] [Www]

the picture he posted came out as a little puppy instead of a plate of sausage and mash, thus suggesting to all and sundry that he wanted to eat a puppy.

Leo does not seem to know, at time of posting, that he posted a picture of a puppy rather than a sausage.

I hope this all makes perfect sense now. [:D]

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[quote user="Cassis"]Got to admit, Leo, it was a naughty trick to play - sorry!

Juste pour rigoler, d'acc? [:D]


No problem Cassis, as I am always up for a laugh! 

I wonder if there are more practical jokers on the forum.



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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Nope, but the after-efects of the Fairy Liquid have been quite long-lasting...... If you can't see what he's licking, then clearly, as men have always told me, size really isn't important.[;-)][/quote]

A lot of small men have made it big.






Ronnie Corbett, Franky Dettori,Paul Daniels and so on.

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[quote user="Cassis"][quote user="LEO"]

A lot of small men have made it big.

Ronnie Corbett, Franky Dettori,Paul Daniels and so on.[/quote]

Closer to home - Napoleon.

Was Atilla the Hun really a dwarf?

That I do not know however, Pope LEO THE GREAT was called thus, because he, through dialogue, persuaded Atilla the Hun not to invade!

Leo , the not so great


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