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It's Dark


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[quote user="Cassis"]Is Miki having forty winks?  It's started to look a bit gloomy here already ...


Cough, splutter...I had to read that twice to ensure I hadn't read it wrong [:)]

Stacked 6 blinkin' stere of wood today and at lunch we went to Dinan

for a tasty meal, so no time yet for winking.................[:)]


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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Remember, though, it may adversely

affect the number of goals you score during the hours of darkness. Or

you could dream extra floodlights.[/quote]


Tonight is big game number one this year for CFC and if we get a result, in my excitement, I will score big time tonight [;-)]

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I just LOVE that first post, ".............how rubbish is that?"[:D]

Thought it was just me who watched the nights draw in with trepidation.

Still, only 50 more days and they start to draw out again, and very soon after that, the Blackbirds will begin singing for territory,  snowdrops will come up, then the other birds will begin singing for mates...........

How sad, wishing our lives away[:(]

I do hate dark nights though.

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    Thanks FA.. I am not alone. 50 days though [:'(]

Not only that today it has been chilly! Dark and cold, now i am depressed! I wish i was a hedgehog..............i hate winter and i love sleeping, I'd be great at it!


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Of course, oh wise and knowledgeable one. Having, as you do, the responsibility for counselling his harem, you are in a better position than most to have spotted the unforgivable omission of the words "for a mere mortal, but obviously not for Miki" from the above sentence. They should have been carefully inserted between the words"physically impossible" and "if you ask me". I stand both chastised and corrected. In the aforementioned dark.
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Madam Biscuit Barrel. I applaud you!

I have been thinking about going part time. Obviously this job needs a silver tongue (or a slithery one, I can't quite recall...).

I don't suppose you would be interested in this challenging and rewarding position.

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Ooohhh slithering silver tongues,.......................... gotta be a new punk band ?

After the wonderful win (OK 2-2) at the Nou Camp last night I scored 20

goals in the first half and then went to a tapas bar on Los Ramblas for

the second half...[:)].

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In the words of the team's left back.....eek! I shall have to think carefully about what you say, Mme T. My previous post was intended as an apology and not a lettre de motivation!  However, never one to trap my fingers in a window of opportunity, and having accidentally imbibed half a bottle of mild green Fairy Liquid earlier when I forgot where I'd put the Creme de Menthe, I do have the required slippery tongue for the job.And with my singing voice, a punk band is probably the only viable option. I'll get back to you. By the way, I know it's a bit premature, but it would help my deliberations no end if you could tell me - what exactly are the perks of the job?[;-)]
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Madame Biscuit Barrel

To be brief: There are no perks, whatsoever.

Essentially what's needed is someone who can talk Miki into the ground, and I'm convinced you're the right person for the job.

The clincher though, was drinking Fairy Liquid in place of CdM.

I think we can work well together (I'll spill all the teamwork guff later...when we both have a 'window').

The ability to be (potentially) hospitalised due to excess imbibation of either substance is pretty much essential to be able to fulfill (avoid) this demanding role.

I look forward to working (shirking) with you.




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I can tell, Mme T, that you have had years of experience, both of drinking anything green, and of sales. Your pitch is almost irresistible......... I know that you cannot see me from where you sit, but I can assure you that I am wearing my "thinking" face right this very moment. I shall be thinking for some time. When I stop thinking, I feel sure that I will have reached a decision. These things are not to be rushed, however. I may retire to bed still wearing my thinking face, and my wincyette nightie. It's a combination which has worked for me before when important decisions have been required. I'll let you know. Soon. Promise. 
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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]I can tell, Mme T, that you have had years of experience, both of drinking anything green, and of sales. Your pitch is almost irresistible......... I know that you cannot see me from where you sit, but I can assure you that I am wearing my "thinking" face right this very moment. I shall be thinking for some time. When I stop thinking, I feel sure that I will have reached a decision. These things are not to be rushed, however. I may retire to bed still wearing my thinking face, and my wincyette nightie. It's a combination which has worked for me before when important decisions have been required. I'll let you know. Soon. Promise. [/quote]


You can call me Betty,

Your writing is very entertaining- a must to read!

Kind regards,


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Do you know it's National Sausage Week?  You're supposed to give a present to all the sausages you know. 

I'm still waiting.

I thought the wings would look better than the ear that I was offered as an alternative by the genetic modification team.

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