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It's Dark


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Right that's it no more excuses summer has officially ended. It's dark at 6.15, how rubbish is that.

So who has some ideas of what to do on these long dark evenings?? Cause i'm fed up already and it's only day 1 and it's only been dark for 1/4 hour.


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First, console yourself with the thought that it was dark even earlier in England (sorry you chaps).

Go out with a torch, slug hunting. Fun for all the family.[Www]

Make the complex arrangements - neccessary for all people with ankle biting creatures in their household - to go and see Twinks in Carcassonne.

Give in to your OH with whatever mad-cap scheme he has for frittering away money, and busy yourself with  preparation for that. (If his proposal is to hire an 18 year old beauty queen from Romania to 'help with the kids' busy yourself with Divorce proceedings).

I'm going to be at a loose end too. Any ideas for me, Dotty?[:D]






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First, console yourself with the thought that it was dark even earlier in England (sorry you chaps).

Oh yes that help a bit. [:D]

As for you................jayjay? youv'e got your new man to keep you amused!

Dotty meg

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quote: Meg & Mog

 As for you................jayjay? youv'e got your new man to keep you amused!

[8-)]Have I? Do you know something I don't???

If it makes you feel better Megs, we had our 1st Breton mist today & now. Just to compound the fact that summer is definitely over. Oh & 2 days of being totally overcast & grey with rain.


A little question. Why can't I quote you Megs? I get Non matching quote blocks in post. That's 3 times today![:@]

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I'm glad you told us it is dark M&M, I'd spent the last two hours cleaning my glasses and I was just about to phone the eye hospital to say I was going blind. But now you point it out, it's blindingly clear. Or not, if you see what I mean. Oh, you can't see what I mean because it's so dark. My head hurts.

Nurse! More special medication, quickly!

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Typical.  I thought it was supposed to be all Cote d'Azury and stuff here.  As soon as I arrive, it goes dark.  I'm going back to Blighty tomorrow - at least it doesn't claim to be something it's not.  Bl**dy rubbish, France.
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Yeah look what the dark does to some people.


This is Sarahs best friend of 25 years...she's a friggin nutter, together they're verging on lethal! It's starting to get messy already, I need a way out PLEASE! She still hasn't forgiven me for throwing her in the pool in the summer in her new Gucci stuff...mistake! I might go sleep in the woods tonight!

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

 I might go sleep in the woods tonight!


Now, I can't be absolutely sure about this, but I have heard that if you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise. Your choice, in the end, but I felt it only fair to say something.......................

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Yeah look what the dark does to some people.


This is Sarahs best friend of 25 years...she's a friggin nutter, together they're verging on lethal! It's starting to get messy already, I need a way out PLEASE! She still hasn't forgiven me for throwing her in the pool in the summer in her new Gucci stuff...mistake! I might go sleep in the woods tonight!


Hi Chris,

If  I  lived closer, I would pop over with a pair of pliers .


You forgot to mention her name!  

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"This is Sarahs best friend of 25 years..."

What I can't work out though, is why you feel you may have to sleep in the woods tonight?. Surely the 'surprise' element of any possible retribution is long past?

Has Sarahs rather fabulous looking mate been plotting, secretly for weeks/months? Is tonight the night?





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>>>Make the complex arrangements - neccessary for all people with ankle biting creatures in their household - to go and see Twinks in Carcassonne, <<<

Are people with no rugrats at their ankle allowed to come?.... What's the occasion 'coz I'd like to pack the correct attire...

>>>Give in to your OH with whatever mad-cap scheme ...... If his proposal is to hire an 18 year old beauty queen from Romania ....<<<

She's welcome to the bloke! If she can do the housework better than I, then I might pay her good money to keep him...

All his biking mates have Philippinos. Maybe they are trying to tell him something...

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[quote user="missyesbut"]Well Tresc! That's not fair! It's fleeping 1000 miles away from here!...[/quote]

It isn't fair, I know.

It's well over a 4 hour drive for me. I wouldn't mind that to spend a few hours with Twinkoletto, but she'll probably be jumping into the back of a Van of some sort and heading home, and I'll have to head off to some godawful b and b[kiss]

Still, the wheedling is working.

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