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Complete France Forum

I have decided...


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As you may know, I have a forum about living in Normandy. I have been quite happy for it to exist alongside other France-related forums for several years, but I think it is time to regularise the arrangements so my forum enjoys the same status as some others. I seem to be missing out in some way due to the convention that seems to say that even a little-used forum like mine enjoys certain rights and influence over what can happen here.

Therefore, I am asking that if anybody mentions my forum here, the owners of this site should take action. As I do not like to see censorship, I would suggest that a suitable punishment for a first offence should be a small fine, sufficient to provide me with a bottle of half-decent Gevrey Chambertin. Second offences will be punished by public flogging, and for third and subsequent offences the penalty is hanging.

Should this not be acceptable to Archant, I would accept, as a substitute, an ex-gratia payment of 5000€, to be re-negotiated on 1st November annually. In return I would provide a consultancy and advisory service to their magazines on 1960s popular music, as I think I know somethaing about that, the extent of my knowledge on living in France being somewhat inadequate.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter. 

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YOUR FORUM? Oh blimey, where do want the plonk sent Will.

I didn't realise that you had a forum, oh sod it, when's the flogging. But I don't mind that so much but for crying out loud don't mention it on your forum.. GULP! now I've done it!

Sod it you can only hang once, but I suppose that depends on what they hang.

Will's forum, so there!
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I have just had a look at your forum (I stick my tounge out at your threats!!!). No good to me 'cause it don't mention anything about our doctor and not even about our village in the Aude! Might be interesting if you live a bit further North though?

Do you have little message boxes on your forum Will? They do on here,,,, now!
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I second that and add my own proviso :

 If anyone mentions Wills site or LF in the same breath as my

Chambres D'Hôtes, I would like to inform them, that a penalty of a meal

for two at an Olivier Roellinger resto is the first penalty and further

infringements will mean penalties decided by the owner of : http://www.vienormande.com

Whoops, sorry,  will a bottle of Promocash Syrah be acceptable in this instance ........................

Oh and in return I will answer questions on CFC from 1955 to the present time, as my knowledge about France is also zilch.

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But if you stipulate that we must not mention a forum that means that you are metioning a forum - or if that forums mentions other forums you are, by implication, committing multiple offences. So that a chance remark on a bright morning, sun shining, full of promise, may lead to scourging and death by the evening.

And does this apply only to forums about France? I read something on a Screwfix forum that I was going to post about?


And is there a forums forum where the forum people discuss forums and come up with these pan-forum agreements? Or is it all just made up?

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Miki said :: "If anyone mentions Wills site or LF in the same breath as my Chambres D'Hôtes, I would like to inform them, that a penalty of a meal for two at an Olivier Roellinger resto is the first penalty"

Does a copy/paste fit the bill (sorry Will, no ten inpunded [?]). If so you can book me a table whenever it suits you. As I'm retired I will (oh sorry, done it again) be able to go anytime. I might add that it is likely to cost you a lot 'cause I don't go for the cheep stuff on the carte. Where is it by the way, is it far from here? What time do I have to leave here to get to there for 8 'o' clock?
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O wiv an 'at or not, Jn (oops where's the O gone), I shall be ringing Monsieur

Roellinger for a table and sending the bill to you care of Admin

here  [:D]

That's the meal for her Birthday sorted out, anyone else wanna

illegally mention me gaff , my Birthday comes early in the New Year


This is pretty good, I didn't realise that was why one had recipricols!

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Met an old colleague today who has bought an

apartment in St Malo, but says he has never seen you there, Miki. So I

told him you had a great B&B and he said he will send his MIL to

you when she visits. Do I get a finder's fee?


Should I wear a rose in my lapel next time and perhaps ring a large

handbell ? Mind you, I have never seen your old mate, are you sure he

has an appartment there ?

A finders fee, it depends on the outlaw !!

Bottom line....he is a lucky b****r, what a nice place to have an appartment, wonder where he parks though !!

Hey just noticed Dick, you have surged past me with number of posts,

how did that happen, you been staying up late and posting on the quiet


You are now the official Father of the Forum [:)]

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[quote user="Miki"]

Hey just noticed Dick, you have surged past me with number of posts,

how did that happen, you been staying up late and posting on the quiet



He also has a Post Rank of 1 - what does that mean?

Must have been quite a surge - he's more than a hundred up now, Miki.

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Both Dick and Miki are showing post rank one.... p'raps even the software is scared of putting one above the other? I can understand Miki is retired & bored and has ample time to post, but Dick? I wonder if the taxpayers are aware what he's up to in salaried time? Maybe a call to the Head...unless you promise to help me out on the grammar with my possible chainsaw sticky thingy Dick, assuming Archant and I can come to some arrangement of course.....speaking of which I have come up with a cunning plan!
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