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[quote user="Meg and Mog"][quote user="Dotty Trois"]Yes but my hair is dark brown, if I put flour in it it will look as though I've turned gothic.  The French parents at the gate already think I'm strange let alone giveing them amunition.[/quote]

OOOhhh noooo Dotty, you brush it out after 20mins or so, then wash it (with water)! Basically so it absorbs the grease [+o(] Actually it surprised me how it didn't really show up in my hair. (the flour that is!) Those wee flour shaker things are fab for the job though!
Jayjay back me up here.........![B][6]
And if they already think your are odd.................. well it'd be a shame to disappoint them!

When te flour is still in your hair Louise for crying out loud don't use a hair drier. It could turn into a REAL PAIN (you know, French for bread [head]) [:-))][+o(]

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[quote user="Dotty Trois"]

I haven't washed my hair since yesterday morning and I can tell you that you are very brave, mines about to get washed as I can't stand it.

How long is your hair Lou?


Dot as I have said before. When you crusify your hair with shampoo you strip all of the natural oils out of it so your scalp works overtime to replace them to protect it from the harsh world outside. IF (?) you leave it to settle down and just rinse it out with warm water then after about 3 weeks, more if you have long hair, the oils ballance and decide that they don't have to fight the unnatural rape of their oils and you finish up with lovely, full, rich NATURAL hair. Just like it is supposed to be.

When my hair feels mucky it gets rinsed, dried with a towel and that's it. Ask Tresk, it ain't greasy, knotted, dirty or any thing but naturally grey and, like the head under it, soft... Shampoos are full of the most horrible c r a p   you can think of. Just try googling 'shampoo'.

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[quote user="Meg and Mog"]

Tresco, me and Jay are available for online grease support (she's having a bad 'un today!)

Thanks. As far as I know 'peak of the grease' crisis comes at about 3 weeks.

That's if you don't have to go to work; if you do, then it's 3 days.


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[quote user="Tresco"]

Thanks. As far as I know 'peak of the grease' crisis comes at about 3 weeks.

That's if you don't have to go to work; if you do, then it's 3 days.



AAAHHHHH don't say that. i'm 2 weeks in and think i am past the worst bit!!! I've only floured once! (last Saturday)

How long / what type of hair have you got??

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[quote user="Meg and Mog"][quote user="Dotty Trois"]

I haven't washed my hair since yesterday morning and I can tell you that you are very brave, mines about to get washed as I can't stand it.

How long is your hair Lou?


It's shoulder length. It isn't really gross like when it hasn't been washed because i still wash it, just not with shampoo. Last weekend it was horrid, until i brushed flour through it! [:-))] I also occasionally wash it with nettle tea and essential oils in water. It's getting better, it takes a while for the hair to adjust.
Go on Dotty, try just with water......just once!!!

No real ned for anything other than the water really Louise, 'onest, would I lie to you. A bloke down the pub told me?

Seriously there is nowt but water needed. Your scalp provides NATURAT OILS and all that you need..... Honest.

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[quote user="LEO"]  If these photos don't appear ,we are entitled to think they are being supressed. We wouldn't want the divorce lawyers having a peek  [/quote]


What divorce ? Who's divorcing now ?...

I can imagine that Tresco's, Lou's, Jayjay's OHs would want to after their no shampoo experiment....

I have the smell of too many sheep and goats in memory to even attempt! After 2 days [+o(] I need my shampoo ......

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I trust you John...........my beauty advisor. Do you know celebs pay a fortune for that!

The flour is just to cope with excess greasiness during the 'transitional' period. Ditto essential oils etc!!

That bloke at the pub, you can always trust him.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]It's going to take a lot to make Tresk more ballanced [:-))]![/quote]

LOL John, you are right of course, but if there is a pic of me and Twinks, please send it to me, or I will whip you to death with a sward of my greasy hair.


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[quote user="Meg and Mog"]ah-ha tresco you'll love the extra body then! Just ask Jayjay!! And if naturally greasy it may help it after a week or two become more balanced.


Is this what you call extra body? A bad hair day & no mistaking![:$]


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