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Anyone for tennis?

David J

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Hi Twinkle,

No gardening today as exercise for Saturday's match.Instead have been laying & cutting matting for our new arrival in the stables. Another female! A spotty( appaloosa).  I'm out numbered here!  8 chickens, 4 bitches + OH against 2 geldings & me at present.

Can't win, keep my head down and take the instructions from the clerk of works!!

As for the liquid. Just coffee.


David J



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Do you ride?  My daughter started in September and she's crazy about it.  I myself am allergic to them and can't go near the stables without my eyes and nose running and I can hardly breathe.

Are you serious about the tennis or is it the ball girls you're after.  I must admit I quite fancy Meg&Mog myself dressed like that[:-))]

You're quite the farmer David - there's nothing like fresh eggs and your own fresh produce from the garden.  Glad that you're making the very most of the french way of living!

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Hi Twinkle.

I haven't ridden for quite a few years. Though we had our two horses in the UK and brought them over plus an extra one bought a month before the move.  I didn't seem to have time in UK but now over here for two weeks per month I'm catching up on things I didn't get round to like the fishing and tennis. One of the horses is 21 and an easy ride so may start again with him. Our second horse died last year. She was a Morgan (Gutted) when she left us last May as she would have been the one I would have ridden. The other one is just 3 years and was broken in this year so maybe i'll ride him in time.  Have a young filly coming on the 17th of December (8 months). She is also an appaloosa.

The tennis is semi serious. I enjoy the game, accept being beaten but also enjoy a win and a challenge and know it's a good way of keeping fit, meeting the locals, improving my french and refreshments after matches.

Enjoy the outdoor life the region has to offer. Plenty of activities and social events organised by the commune.

Must stop for a while and do some paperwork.




David J


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The stable's now ready for the filly coming next month. However I'm not ready for the tennis which starts at 9.00 in the morning. No practise this week due to clerk of works and the weather.!!

Let you know the result tomorrow!!


David J


PS better get some sleep as alarm set for 7.45!!



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You've been waiting patiently for today's result.!!  An improvement on last week. The team won 2-1 but the doubles lost their match. My partner and I had a terrible start. Change of partner this week and we were 5-0 down in the blink of an eye. We did win the next game but lost the set 6-1. In the second set we got our act together and got back from 3-1 to 3-3, had chances to make it 4-3 but eventually lost it 6-3. I actually held service twice and only one double fault.

However it's back to the UK tomorrow at 5.00am to catch the Speedferies 3.00pm crossing and to do some paid work for a few weeks.

Have a good weekend all.



David J



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