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D'you know what, it's a big ask.


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[quote user="Meg and Mog"] ... Or just tell him to talk to the hand. [/quote]

As this is a forum about France, I'll just give you the French version of that one:

Talk to the hand... = Parle à mon cul, ma tête est malade... usually shortened to the first part

Edit: I see the PC software does not speak French!!!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"] 

One thing I would love to do is to learn French well enough to be able to translate Cockney ryming slang into French and be able to use it with someone in the know. Can you imagine Goin' up the apples and pears  -- montie les pomme et les poire??? Even the best English speaking French would be pooped with that peut etra?


doubt it!!! [:P]

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I understand that as from April 1st 2007 the letter t (in lower case) will be formally declared extinct by the, soon to be announced, Minister of New English John Prescott, as it has almost become extinct. 

John Prescott is at present working in an advisory capacity in this new Ministry and one of his first tasks is to introduce a selection of  Cyrillic letters into the present alphabet to make it easier for our new Eastern European buddies.

This is what you can expect to see written on the side of plumbers white vans.

Я, Ь, Ђ, Љ, Њ, Ћ, Џ

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My theory:

It isn't (always) so much the excruciating phrase itself, horrible as it may be, as the person with whom you first associate it.  Hence Dotty's link with her bank manager.

Anyway, hands up any of us who can honestly say that they've never used any of the phrases mentioned?

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Lets face it, at the end of the day, me being a cool man, have never even thought of using any of these incredibly unexpressive and un reliable expressions. Not even in jest a minute, sorry, got a bit carried away there?

Nurse where the hell are those screenz?[B][B][B]

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Well,. I hadn't come across that 'big ask' expression either before, but b***er me - what should I find today in my inbox but this press release, which seems to give the phrase both green credentials and official recognition.


As for other hateful, tautologous and useless phrases the one that gets my goat (why do we say that?) is 'at this moment in time'. What else do you get a moment in, for ****'s sake?


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 At this moment in time = now, you know that good old fashioned three letter word ![:)] obviously out of fashion at this moment in time.[;-)]

The odious 'nearly unique' is gaining ground - it's an oxymoron surely ? Isn't the right word 'rare'?

My English teacher said "never use a long word when a short one will do"

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So there you go.  Seems as if there is only a few of us left who, basically, at the end the day, resist the temptation to use those silly sayings.

But...Tony Blair says "shooer" when he means "sure".   Maybe he's right, usually is?  Pity that Michael Howard is no longer in the news, I quite liked the way he pronounced his L's.   Next time you watch Parkie, count the number of times he says "In a sense".  I could go on, but I'll just mention that George Bush has trouble saying Terrrrrrr.

Y'know wot I mean.

And yes, I do have lots of free time.

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Oh! We only get French TV and radio and when they translate it from Bushican it looses something obviously. Our 'haunted fish tank' is rarely on so even if we did have U.K. TV we probably wouldn't have seed it. At the end of the day it don't matter anyway really.

Apparently there were 3 Brazillions killed in Iraq not long back and Bush burts into historikel tears before he asked his aide how many there were in a brazillion? And he's the most powerful man in the world? [:-))][+o(][8-)]

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