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How regularly, RH?  Do you mean regularly as in once a year teling you how Tarquin is now an Olympic swimmer and Charlotte has been told by her teachers to expect 20 top grade "A" Levels?

I send a jokey newsletter (like the "taxe de sejour" thread) once a month to friends and acquaintances back in the UK just to keep in touch.  And I get replies [:)]  which then take off into separate correspondences. 

It may be because the original message is not really about us that people respond!

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Some are good and I must say, I look forward to them, but with others (of the variety Cassis mentions),  year in year out, I barely get beyond the first sentance before binning them.  I do send some "computerised letters" out with my cards but I do try to adjust them a bit according to each recipient - this is so easy these days and I hope gives the impression that a bit more thought has gone into the process than with those of the "Hello All" variety!
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Most Christmas's we get three of these letters, a cousin started it, but he has been a manager for a national retail chain and has moved all over the country with them, as well as that he is true christian and gets involved with the church and community where ever he is. His Christmas card list numbers about 350. As time has gone by the letter has become more of a hatch, match and sadly now mostly despatch with funerals between holidays and stays with friends and trips to hospital. The other RR are more along the lines of 'look a us, aren't we doing well'

Each year I threaten to write one in revenge..........[;-)]

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One thing that bugs me about some of them is that the person assumes that you actually give a wotsit about what they are doing!!

Me me me me me me me............

Also Christmas cards annoy me, especially the folk (sorry if anyone does this) that don't even write your name in the card , just sign their name...............it's either they don't really like you and just want a card in return to up their count or they are soooooo popular they couldn't possibly write to anyone individually, not enough hours in the day! I only send cards to close friends and family, and even then writing them i feel a bit insincere due to the factory production line of them.

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[quote user="Meg and Mog"]One thing that bugs me about some of them is

that the person assumes that you actually give a wotsit about what they

are doing!!

Me me me me me me me............


Dead right, Lou.  I don't give a bog what anyone else is doing if I'm not involved.  [:D]

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I only get one round robin a year and I'm interested to receive it (it's not one of the show-off kind ). It does make me sad though that the writer of it and I are not in more frequent contact and I just have to accept that I'm more interested in them than they are in me.

Meg wrote

"Also Christmas cards annoy me, especially the folk (sorry if anyone does this) that don't even write your name in the card , just sign their name......"

I was taught tthat it was bad form to put recipient's names on cards.

I do always try to add some sort of personal note before I sign though.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]I would never write a name in a card! As far as I'm concerned that is a complete no-no.



Although i appreciate if you put a personal greeting it would be fine. Otherwise it seems you don't care about who you are sending a card to.

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Sorry for being a bah humbug, but christmas cards are really my pet hate.  What are you supposed to do with them all?  For years I have told people not to send me any and, so far this year I have only had one to open.  I havent opened it though.  HATE THEM.  Please put money in the charity box instead.
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Still like me name in mine!!! What do you do with the top half of the card??

You didn't read what i wrote, i said if there is a personal message it's fine. The ones i was referring to only contained the senders name!!

Blimey sending 100+ cards makes me come out in a rash! [:D]

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On my USA trip I bought what I thought was a good souvenir from the Vanderbilt mansion  : A book called 'The Art of the Handwritten Note, A guide to reclaiming civilised communication by Margaret Shepherd. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Art-Handwritten-Note-Reclaiming-Communication/dp/0767907450/sr=11-1/qid=1165964489/ref=sr_11_1/026-5102568-6085261

It has lots of clues as to what to write on all sorts of occasions and points out how much the recipient values personal notes, all the more in these days of email !

I usually put the name of the recipient in the card, except when I can't spell their children's names [:(]

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