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Father Christmas doesn't exist!


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I think your daughter probably thinks she is now really cool that she knows he doesnt exist.  She feels that little bit more grown up.  However, she can still enjoy that fantasy and also give you a knowing little grin when she sees other children getting excited for Santa.  You can still play the Santa fantasy.  My daughter is almost 15 and I still do the footprints around the fireplace for her.  Mind you and here's where the double standards come in, if it were my son who wanted a bit of Santa fantasy at 16 he would certainly get a footprint..... right up the jacksy from his dad!!
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I was desperately upset when my oldest daughter (I think she was a changeling) told my granddaughter aged 3 that he didn't exist.  I kept telling her until she was 7 that he did but she never believed me and kept calling me silly (unfair, I thought) [:(]

Now, the funny thing is that the little one came to France with us for Easter (2005, aged 8) and went rushing into the garden on Easter Sunday to see if the Easter Bunny had been - no mention of whether he existed or not.  I don't know whether she still believed in him or whether she was doing it for the benefit of her cousin who was with er - he was only 3.

Twinks, you'll get through this and one day you'll be at my stage where the grandchildren rekindle all that magic over again.  It's great on Christmas Eve putting out the Brandy and mince pies for Santa, and a carrot for Rudolph - since me and the OH don't like brandy I wonder just who does drink it........?[8-)]


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twinkle I am sorry but your daughter is wrong!!!  father christmas does exist!!!  and even if some crotchety old person says that he doesn't  think about the spirit of christmas THAT definately does exist   most people are nice to each other for that day at least.  I used to say that passing aeroplanes where the sleigh!! checking up on them used to get them to bed great     doesnt work now that they are over 30 though    whatever enjoy all the christmas's you can while she is still young,  we had to reinvent it 8 years ago when my kids left home we are going back to england for christmas.   I always make my own crackers anyway so dont miss them a good cheddar though thats another thing oh and ginger beer!!  
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My three chaps, 24,21 & 13 still insist on stockings even though I now but barely anything in them - just token bits.  The older ones quaff Mr F C's drinks and the younger one scoffs the bits for the reindeer.  We all put the presents out together Christmas Eve, but noooo prodding etc.  Pretty difficult to ensure as they can stay up 'till the morn!!  Still all good fun, especially the weird and wonderful board games I seem to choose from a certain online retailer.  On that thread, can anyone recommend a couple of really good games, not too complicated (after lunch/dinner!), not the dreaded monopoly pleeeease - 'cos I always lose.  Thanks.
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Twinks, my daughter (my youngest) was still putting out mince pies and whiskey for Santa and carrots and water for the reindeers until she flew the nest (she's twenty three now).  My kids, my grandchildren and my OH all still get a Christmas stocking.  Your daughter will continue to get excited and love Christmas because you will keep it alive for her.  The last two years, just before Christmas we have taken my four year old grandson to a nearby deer park to search for Rudolph.  I can't tell you the fun we had and the joy it gave us (especially when he decided they all had red noses !).  I'm so pleased to read that you believe in miracles - ssshhh !  'Cause I do too !!
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I know my youngest (5) still believes. But she'll belive in anything if there is a present in it for her. the other two (12 and 9) have never mentioned it. The eldest sometimes gives me a knowing look when we go through the whole milk and cookies rigmarole (not mince pies I have a limited stock) Goodness knows what the middle one thinks, she's away with the fairies half the time any way.

I've always liked the suggestion in one of the Libby Purves parenting books, to tell kids that he can only come as long as the child believes and once the child stops believing, then he can't come anymore and the parents keep up the present giving so that the child isn't disapointed.

I won't be getting my christmas albums out until advent (christmas carol service in aix cathedral on the 3rd!)

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My son gets married on Saturday ! I remember the year after he started at the local comprehensive, we decided we had to tell him because otherwise he would get ribbed by the other kids.

Well ! he wouldn't speak to us for days, he was devastated ! how could this be so ? he had seen him ! ( must have been me in disguise)

                                       Happy days !

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twinkle i hear you!

my daughter aged 6 came home from school yesterday and said X told her he didn't exist and it was just the adults. so i played dumb and asked which adults? and she didn't really know. but damn! i really think at 6 she's only really understanding to expect santa and now he's gone! my other kids are 4 and 2 so we'll do all the necessary but they don't have that twinkle in the eye yet (sigh!)


still, she's writing her letter to santa...... so far it goes......

"cher Pere noel, je te demende un gros cadeau et mon cadeau, je veu ce sa soie un jex de faie; et le petit cadeau de majic.........."


snow is falling

all around us......



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I've bought a Father Christmas outfit (15 euros at Auchan) and one of my burly mates is going to wear it.  I'm getting him to come to the field at the bottom of my garden on Chrismas Eve and at a fixed time I will say  "Oh what's that noise outside?"  Then with a torch,  we'll go outside to investigate, and the shadowy sillouhette of Santa will be seen moving across the field.  I hope[blink]

I will do anything to make her believe again and for her to stay 7 years old for the rest of her life[:$]

Two of my younger sisters are coming for Christmas this year and I'm so excited - I feel like I'm 6 again!!!

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At last you have proof of an adult conspiracy to lie to you and all children. The temptation to pass on your knowledge must be overwhelming.

Well, when you put it that way, I guess I get it.  Still sad though.

Enjoy Twinks, sounds like a lot of fun!


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