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New Year Resolutions 2006/7


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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Jon"]

I may also endevour to spend more time naked and run down more of my own game.


Whilst carrying a home made spear with a hand knapped flint head ???????  [:D]


Absolutely, Steve. I'm trying to discover a source of woad too.

I was importuned in a bar a little while ago by a sat nav devotee. I'd

made the mistake of picking up a discarded English newspaper and was

just settling down to see what I'd missed on telly two days previously

and he recognised me as a possible fellow traveller, siddled up

alongside me and engaged me in conversation.

After a few seconds of pleasentries (during which he sent and received

47 text messages) he indicated a small box on the bar and said, as

though I'd brought up the matter  "oh, that's the new TX-39R. This

little baby couples subatomic postcode recognition with below horizon

multipoint redshift technology to give your position to within 30

centimeters. In addition it monitors your UV exposure, ensures that you

are eating enough fibre and warns you if your fly is undone. It emits

the Great Smell of Brut and is just irresistable to the ladies. A snip

at only £859 plus VAT."

Now, I wanted to tell him that he had mistaken me for someone who

cared, but I am far too polite to do that, so I observed in a jocular

manner that he could be in trouble if the batteries went flat. He got

all huffy on me and went and sat somewhere else.

I am not a technophobe (witness that I am using a computer), but I am

becoming just a little bored with seemingly everyone I know being

festooned with spurious technology to the extent that they are no

longer able to carry out normal human intercourse. I try to have a

conversation with someone and they are carrying on two other by text

from their phones. Suggest that this might be just a little rude and

they look at me like I am some kind of lunatic.

Am I alone and just being unreasonable? Is swearing to avoid unnescessary electronics for another year a pointless affectation?

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I'm with you on this one. It breaks my heart to admit that I have just got a new mobile phone. I actually need one for my job and had 'soldiered on' with my 6 years old one in spite of semi-sneering comments about its age. Unfortunately it died and had to be replaced. Similarly, my wife takes a great (twisted ?) pleasure in claiming to be the only woman she knows who does NOT have a mobile phone.

How on earth did we get jobs completed years ago without a mobile phone, we did though.

I did buy a GPS some years ago for use in the desert (justifiable) but gave it away in the end because I couldn't be bothered messing with it.

The people who really piss me off are those who will stop in the middle of a conversation with you and answer their phone without any apology for doing so, it is treating you with contempt. Even an " excuse me but I really need to answer this, its a call I've been waiting for" would go some ways towards acceptable behaviour.

Luddites rule OK  [:D]

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