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Complete France Forum

sick to death of the forum

Sarah Griffith-Head

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It was lovely to hear from so many familiar sounding names, I maintain that I am totally sick of the forum, not because it's a bad place just purely because Chris is spending far too much time on it ...I actually find that quite insulting. Perhaps you could indeed create your kind of peronal banning service on my behalf and just ignore him after 30 minutes and he might just stop. I really wish you all a Happy New Year with my love   SarahXXXX
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Sorry Sarah, I missed your posting.  I hope you read what my husband had to say.  Since he has put his foot down with me I have used the forum much less.  It really is easy to become addicted to if you have that kind of personality.  However, used in moderation it really is a nice place to "hang out" on.

Twinkle is my friend, living in France for 20 odd years.  We joined the same day, I suggested this place to her because the winter was long but I hope she will explain how it has helped her.

Also, are you aware that you can send private messages.  I have sent you one.  If you click on private messages you will pick it up.

Best wishes.

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Just Katie "]I do not have a cult. Everybody simply ignores me![/quote]
Well, we do try but do not always succeed![:P]

I know Clair, it is the same in real life.  I am very difficult to get away from[:D]

Oh I do love talking about me. Even if it is in a negative way.

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Sarah, somewhere on here Chris says about building his wonderful OH a kitchen. So there you go, get him started on that, go on cooking strike until he gets it done.[;-)] Right, I'm going off into hiding.[Www] 

A Very Happy & Healthy New Year to you both. xx

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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Cassis - Where is your smiley?[blink]


They are on short ration.

To be honest, I'm not really a smiley fan.  I have to remind myself to put them in when I think people might not understand and even then it's often as an edit - I did not think you needed one to know I was joking.  [:)] [kiss]

Anything I say in these kinds of threads should be taken with a large pinch of nutmeg.  Or snuff.

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[quote user="Cassis"][quote user="Just Katie "]

Cassis - Where is your smiley?[blink]


They are on short ration.

To be honest, I'm not really a smiley fan.  I have to remind myself to put them in when I think people might not understand and even then it's often as an edit - I did not think you needed one to know I was joking.  [:)] [kiss]

Anything I say in these kinds of threads should be taken with a large pinch of nutmeg.

Phew, I was just going to duck from a flying bit of concrete then[:)]

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[quote user="Sarah Griffith-Head"]It was lovely to hear from so many familiar sounding names, I maintain that I am totally sick of the forum, not because it's a bad place just purely because Chris is spending far too much time on it ...I actually find that quite insulting. Perhaps you could indeed create your kind of peronal banning service on my behalf and just ignore him after 30 minutes and he might just stop. I really wish you all a Happy New Year with my love   SarahXXXX[/quote]

Hi Sarah,

I don't post much but I've seen people come and go here over the years and it seems to go in phases. I think Chris (and one or two others who shall remain nameless) has probably become unhealthily addicted to the Forum as he seems to have built up a bit of a band of loyal followers to which he seems to aspire to. You only have to look at the amount of posts he has made and the times he has posted to see this. He is no doubt a talented man but I am sure you would prefer him to give you as much attention and time as he does here. You sound like a lovely person and I hope you keep us updated on how it all pans out. In any case have a very happy new years eve and a great 2007 -




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Let Sarah out of the kitchen for one second and what happens? Lesson learnt! I'm appalled at her opening post, the spelling and grammar doesn't befit one of her education, that alone merits a warning! The truth was that she had been partying with her Mum, never a wise move.

Remember Steve McQueen in the Great Escape? He got put into the cooler alot...I just got out of the cooler[:)] Didn't he get shot in the end?

There's alot of good stuff raised here about forum dependancy and I'm taking it on the chin but a hefty work day means pillows are more attractive right now.

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It was nice to 'meet' Sarah, even under the strange circumstances.

[quote user="Chris Head"]Remember Steve McQueen in the Great Escape?... Didn't he get shot in the end?[/quote]

Noooooo. After many periods in the 'cooler' he got brought back safe and sound, after the failed mass 'escape'.

It was the 'happy ending' dictated by some Hollywood Moghul type.

I'm not implying anything. I'm just a 'The Great Escape' fiend. One of my many hidden areas of substantial knowledge that have nothing to do with France.[:)]



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Right, internet use. Yes, way too much last year...for various reasons I won't go into.

Sarah's not at all angry, she rarely get's angry, exasperation is more accurate. She also has no intention of being involved in the forum, not that she wishes to be rude, she just doesn't want to join in, she made her point and probably got plenty of folk thinking.

The year ahead is already chocabloc, full of work and personal challenge, I have no intention of inordinately wasting the same amount of time as I did last year on the 'puter, yes it was a mistake but one that served its purpose.

I hope you all have a great time in 2007, live your dreams and achieve your goals.

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