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Supermarkets for the Elderly


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OH has just told me about a news item she just heard: it seems that there's a supermarket just opened in Germany for the exclusive use of the elderly / retired.

Wide aisles, trolleys which are shallow & with high sides (a sort-of zimmer frame on wheels), plus attached 'resting' seats and magnifying glasses.

Suggested additional supermarket features: rear view mirrors on the trolleys (for those with an inclination to stop dead in their tracks), self-imposable labeotomy kits (for those needing an instant brain transplant, having forgotten their shopping list / PIN no at the checkout / what they were there for in the first place), 3-car width / 2-car length parking bays (obvious reasons). 

Any other suggestions?

p.s. None of the above would be required by me of course, since (though retired) I'm neither elderly nor decrepit.    

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Are there special areas for stopping suddenly and without warning (with or without ue of mirrors)? Standing talking to friends? Bringing grandchildren over whom you have no control? Parking trolleys in the middle of the aisle and then STANDING NEXT TO THEM so I can't get past?

Nurse - the dried frog pills!!!!!

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[quote user="Gardian"]

Suggested additional supermarket features: rear view mirrors on the trolleys (for those with an inclination to stop dead in their tracks), self-imposable labeotomy kits (for those needing an instant brain transplant, having forgotten their shopping list / PIN no at the checkout / what they were there for in the first place), 3-car width / 2-car length parking bays (obvious reasons).



But shouldn't these features be on all French supermarket trolleys anyway? Especially when they're being driven/abandoned by ladies with orange coloured hair[:D]

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Could we have extra big "convoi exceptionnel" trollies and caisses accès for those piled high and wide with big bags of dog food, cat litter, etc. ?  And please, no slope just outside the supermarket door, which takes the convoi exceptionnel sideways out of control towards a conveniently parked right hand drive car with the risk of taking it's wing off.   [:P]

Only joking of course !    [6]

Mabe that should be trolleys.


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Extra patience can be given for those who pack all there shopping away and then start to search for their purse. Once they have found it, they then shuffle all their coupons and hand them over to the cashier. Once accepted they then search for their cheque books and hand it over. The cashier shows the customer the printed cheque whereby they then have to change their glasses so they can read it.

Or is it just me who gets stuck behind these wonderful old dears. [8-)]

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Peter I am of the opinion that these dear old people should not be allowed out in public at certain times of the day...they hold us up in supermarkets and take up all the seats on the buses in peak hour. I have one question though...if they can negotiate their way on foot around a supermarket, why do they need to sit at the front of the bus in those special seats? After all, once they are off the bus they are on their own anyway so why not first on first seated?.
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i do think some of these comments are MOST unkind.  after all, we all get old some time (those of us who are lucky enough to get old)

time was when i used to moan at my dear mother for being deaf and not hearing what i said and now i find my own hearing is not so great!

it comes to us all.  and, as someone has said, "old age is not for wimps".  fortunately, i come from a race that actually respects older persons

you youngsters can be SO intolerant.  it is definitely true that youth is wasted on the young!

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[quote user="Gardian"]

self-imposable labeotomy kits (for those needing an instant brain transplant, having forgotten their shopping list / PIN no at the checkout / what they were there for in the first place)  


Was told earlier by OH that it's a labotomy - staggering that (on here), nobody has picked me up on that.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

you youngsters can be SO intolerant.  it is definitely true that youth is wasted on the young!


That's the nicest thing that's been said to me all day.

Having run the CPAM gauntlet earlier today, I needed to grab something quick (and nasty) to eat. On the way to the bricoshed, I saw a McDonalds and thought "Haven't had one of those for years". 

Joined the 'McDrive' queue and a young lovely sidled up to the car - thought it was a screen wash come-on, or ......... well who knows what?!!!!  She was muttering something through my closed window, to which I responded with something unrepeatable.  It took some time (by which point, she was hysterical with laughter) for me to realise that it was a request for my order.  Her face said it all - daft old (foreign) ******.

But I'm not decrepit or seline. 

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[quote user="Tresco"]

Well it's really a lobotomy.

The rumours of people being pulled up for spelling mistakes here, are really very seriously exaggerated.[:D]


I want the trolley with the built-in rear view mirror & dictionary.

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The rear view mirror would only serve to suggest that imaginary people are steaming up behind you, ready to make an assault on your spelling.

The dictionary is useful, but as I have no special powers (to speak of) I can't bestow one on you. Sorry.[:P]

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