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Twinkles Gig


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[quote user="Tresco"]

Doh! Right, I remember Missy said she was going. Is LG there too?


Tresco, did you mean Languedoc LG or another one? (Has one of my many ID's been nicked?!!!)

What gig and where? Was Twinkle playing down my end? If so, would have loved to have gone with a bunch of loopy 40sths French girlies as rhythmically challenged  as I am to do some breakdancing (irrespective of the music).  [:D].

 If the gig was mentioned beforehand on the forum, I didn't see it as I've been a little distracted lately by that poisoned arrow called work.

Twinkle, do you do gigs around here?

Pray tell!

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I think I meant you, LG.

Hang on a minute though! You should know if it was you I meant, wot wiv your witchy powers, eh?[:P]

I think last nights gig was in Toulouse, and as they only got in at 4ish, perhaps Twinks is having a nap, or perhaps she's hurt that only Jayj and I sat up waiting for a gig report till some unearthly hour?

I'm off to watch Oceans 11 on the TV. I've seen it 4 times in English so I might even be able to do away with the subbies.[:)]



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Who are you trying to kid!  No one watches THAT version of Ocean 11 for the dialogue, so pull the other one!

Thanks for the info about the gig. Hope she comes nearer to us sometimes. As for my witchery powers, they've been a little dimmed recently by the poisoned arrow. But I intend to get them back up to speed this week.

Going to join you on F2 to see the eye candy, oh sorry, to hear the intellectually challenging dialogue.[;-)]  It will help my witchey powers no end.

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It's a very intellectual film, Chris.[;-)] If you like that kind of thing 'tis the perfect antidote for the poisoned arrow.

[quote user="LanguedocGal"]

Who are you trying to kid!  No one watches THAT version of Ocean 11 for the dialogue, so pull the other one![/quote]

I swear I had the best of intentions, but I put the DVD on after 10 minutes. [:-))] There are more plot holes every time I see it, but it is pure feel-good.

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Wot on earth is Ocean 11? Is it an anoraky type proggy?


Chris, Ocean 11 is the remake of the film Ocean 11.  OK, I’ll stop being a pr*t (for a sec).  I think the original contained the Rat Pack.

This version contains such eye candies (I’m sure you’d agree[:D]) such as George Clooney, Andy Garcia, Don Cheadle, Brad Pitt etc. So when Tresco hinted she might be listening to the French, I frankly burst into fits of laughter.  A true chick flic without chicks.

Oh, it does contain a story but you’d have to listen to the dialogue for that but having seen it a few times myself and also having it on DVD, still can’t tell you what it’s about, too busy lapping up the images to listen. Too much exercise might hurt me little brain.

The anoraky prog was what I was watching until I read Tresco’s post. It featured a bunch of anoraks trying to decipher Ms Royal’s speeches. Gripping stuff it was too. I was gradually losing the will to live until I read Tresco’s post and switched over.

 It did make me feel good!


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[quote user="LanguedocGal"]The anoraky prog ...featured a bunch of anoraks trying to decipher Ms Royal’s speeches. Gripping stuff it was too. I was gradually losing the will to live until I read Tresco’s post and switched over.


I would have loved that, LG.

I've got very lazy about checking what's on TV at weekends. I just assume it's all Game Shows and Spectacles.

Megs, Troy was a great disappointment for me. I'm not saying Brad Pitt didn't look good in a leather mini skirt, but I need just that little bit more from a film these days.


That's me, unable to enjoy the simple pleasures life offers.



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Hello it's me!

I had a lovely time with Missy, I dropped her at the station in Toulouse yesterday afternoon and she's now back in Paris.  I would liked to have kept her for another day as she really is a delightful person.  The weather was gorgeous while she was here and she loved the concert so I think she had a great time - she told me so too![:)]

I remembered from the forum that she liked Chardonnay wine and so there was a bottle waiting when I bought her to my house[:D]   I also remember her liking pigs feet[+o(] and so I got some for her that were already prepared.  I later found out from my husband who'd eaten one while we were at my concert that they weren't very nice compared to other ones he'd eaten from the same shop - but Missy ate some and didn't complain bless her as she didn't want to upset me.  She's so sweet.

My daughter also took a shine to her - which is rare because she doesn't always like sharing me on the weekends!

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