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Why Don't They Eat Women Too?

Furry Knickers

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I was in the garden just now, and I noticed me Malva that I bought as a small plantling 3 weeks ago, is now a massive great big thing, like one of them man eating Triffin plants that they get in the films. It occured to me that you never get woman eating martians or plants or sharks, and I thought that maybe us blokes just taste a lot better than women? who knows? After doing a bit of pondering about all this mullarkey, I went inside to put on a few potatoes and big pot of cabbage for the bit of dinner, then I heard that lovely song 'OnMockingbird Hill' I have not heard that since I was a small thing back in Kildare! Well I started jigging about like a Leprechaun on crack cocaine! It is that type of song that infests you with loads of jiggery and you just have to surrender to it! Josephine came in and soon put a stop to me bit of fun with her sour ginger haired face!  "There would be no fear of a shark or triffin eating the like of that one" I thought to meself! I remember when we had an escaped Octopuss going round the canals of Kildare! It was back in 1971, and we were all terrified that it would get us! One morning I was off to school and I asked me Mammy "Can I not stay at home incase the octopuss leaps out of the canal and eats the life outta me"  me Mammy said " if you stay at home you will only be eating the bit of jam and the loaf that has to do us till next week" I said "could I not just have the heel of the loaf if I stay at home, i won't go near the bit of jam"  She said "shur that owl octopuss is only in Wicklow yet he won't be here for another week" I was contented enough with that and then me Mammy blessed me as usual  "Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless you and bring you home safe and well and protect you from the terrible escaped Octopuss" she then put a St Christopher medal in a sock and pinned it to me coat and drownded me with holy water. I set off for the 5 mile walk to school knowing that I was now safe from that terror of the deep as I had me St Cristopher and me Mammy was praying for me safe return.


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Furrynickers wrote ;

(she then put a St Christopher medal in a sock and pinned it to me coat, and then I set off for the 5 mile walk to school knowing that I was now safe from that terror of the deep as I had me St Cristopher and me Mammy was praying for me ).

When I was wee boy my Mother would sew a miraculous medal into the pocket linings on my coats/jacket's...................

............sometimes I used to think I'd found a tanner.


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