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Mrs Frenchie

We are LADY C and we are not a grandmother.  Do not forget that.  But I forgive you for your lapse of concentration.

I had a simply wonderful time at Sandringham yesterday and baby James, Viscount Severn, is delightful.  Sadly, I had to fly out last night because my Academy is dear to my heart.

Now that the turkey is basted, I'm off to the Elysee next as dear Nicolas is in need of my succour.  Miss Frenchie, despite the love affairs, the explosions etc, I am proud of how you have coped.  I am thinking of recommending you for a honour in the New Year's List but don't let anyone know.  I thought Baroness Frenchie sounds rather sweet.

Have to fly...


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Lady C , please accept my apologies for being too familiar when we talked this afternoon... As you well know, I am French .. So this was just the reason for this inappropriate behaviour ..

Please let me know when you need me in your office.

 Votre dévouée Mrs Frenchie .


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I've had too much Baileys at the Elysee, Miss Frenchie.  Can we postpone our little chat until Boxing Day?  Do you have a British passport, Miss Frenchie, because that is a requirement of being a Baroness?  Mind you, I could ask Gordon to bend the rules.


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Lady C, good evening .

Oh don't worry for our appointment, it can be postponed..

It will of course wait until boxing day .

I'm sorry but I don't have a British passport..

If you could do something for me thanks to the help of " Gordon" , as you say, I will be eternally grateful....

Bonsoir Lady C ..

Votre dévouée Frenchie .

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Miss Frenchie

Do I detect un petit peu de grovelling to get your title?  It is unbecoming of such a fine specimen as you.  Stop kissing my feet, please.

See you on Boxing Day.... in my study...

By the way, where is everyone else today - have my staff deserted me?


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Miss Frenchie

I am very grateful for your apology.  The announcements for the New Year's Honours' List are on Saturday.  There is an embargo beforehand (although rumours abound e.g. Michael Parkinson's honour).  In the past, if anyone knew beforehand, it was vetoed.  So you better not warn anyone that a title could be imminent.

This secret has to be "entre nous". 

I was delighted with the suitcase of cash that you gave me (for the Academy of course, but the bursar need not know that I shall spend it on myself). Titles cannot be bought but, in your case, I shall ask Gordon make an exception.

Lady C


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Lady C , Of course this will remain between you and I .. it goes without saying ......

I will be in Liverpool on saturday. So if I am called to London, I'll leap in no time ....

I must admit I am very thrilled about that possible announcement of my name on the honours' list .....

Yours faithfully, Frenchie .

PS : Of course, I' m ready to become a British citizen if that is required ..

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Arise Dame Frenchie, Vice Headmistress of the Academy of Haberdashers and Seamstresses

We are pleased to announce that our Vice Head was been honoured for her work to promote fine British education (and her generous cash gift to Lady Catherine Macintosh of Macintosh).

From henceforth, she will be Dame Frenchie - and don't forget that, will you?

More honours could be available, upon application to Lady C....


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