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[quote user="Geordie girl"]

Headmistress, i nominate Kylie to take my place to meet the president as i refuse to have my legs shortened for anybody...............even the President. I hope this meets with your satisfaction.......................


Lady C, I don't like to speak out of turn or to tell tales out of school but you should know that Miss Wooly is a man in disguise.  Mais, oui.  He has done this in order to infiltrate your establishment and in order that he be left alone in his Inglish classes with the gels.  You know how you like to have a chaperone for the gels whenever there is a male teacher teaching them?  Well, Miss Wooly has found out about this via devious means and he is wearing that long blonde wig and simpering smile just to hoodwink you.

As for Kylie, Lady C and GG, do you both not realise that Kylie is the subject of all Mr Wooly's dreams and fantasies? It will be a HUGE mistake to let him anywhere near Kylie.  I shudder to think what the President will make of Mr Wooly's strange behaviour in front of her.  I mean, kissing her boots and begging her to whip him some more and looking up her derrier?  OK, OK, she might have the pertest bottom in all of Christendom, but Mr Wooly's inordinate drooling will bring the school into total disrepute.

Is that what you want for the school?  I beg you, RECONSIDER, and invite Miss Wooly into your office and ask her to bare all.  Tell him there shall be no hiding place! 


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[quote user="Geordie girl"]

Is everybody except me and frenchie in the office having their legs shortened? 


All medical interventions were required to be completed by 6.15.

You will have to kneel down, GG, but not too near the President (or Miss Woolly).

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[quote user="sweet 17"]  

......  and invite Miss Wooly into your office and ask her to bare all.  Tell him there shall be no hiding place!    [/quote]  


Lady C, I will also come to your office as you need another witness to confirm if Miss Wooly is ...   a he a she or an it ?...


Mental note to self :  mustn't forget my pince-nez as I am so myope [:$] Woops... I forgot I have invited Miss (Mr?) Wooly into my office this evening that he can explain a little matter of Inglish langwage. I can investigate then [6] 

Wonder where (s)he's gone since (s)he was given the appointment of Hed of Inglish ? I hope (s)he is not behind the bike shed with the caretaker, explaining Lady Chatterley's Lover...


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No sooner than my back is turned but I discover posters all over my study door.  There are simply too many to answer.  I am powdering my (cold) nose in anticipation of our Presidential visit tonight.

Now Miss Frenchie, one MUST know that the ghastly word 'toilets' is NOT used in our academy.  One uses the nomclature 'loo' or, if you must, 'lavatory'.

So I shall not be going into the loo to check if Miss Wooly has a willy.


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[quote user="Cathy"]


Be ready or else.  Show him that we have hearts of steel, gals.


I have to report that Mrs J. Jay (the School Cook) is being treated in my surgery and is therefore unable to prepare the Presidential Banquet tonight.

Mother Tresco. MD

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[quote user="Cathy"]

And going off with Miss Missy...

What an evening....



Oooo quelle soirée!... [:$] My knees still tremble at thought of his hand on my BIG heart. It was just so deeevine. With all of this I forgot that Miss(Mr) Wooly was supposed to explained to me some Inglish Langwage and I was supposed to do a little investigation...

Bah! Tant pis. La main de Mr Sarkozy sur mon coeur ah! j'en suis à pâmoison ....[:$]

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Oh , right !! I'll try to do my best and be " à la hauteur de la tâche" !!

You can rely on me .. there ll be no vice in this academy as long as I m  Vice head...

And what is this hand on a .. heart ?

Have you been thinking about the reputation of our academy ?

I propose the first detention of the school year !! 

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Well, he s a man.. you should have been wearing something less... well.. more ..  Anyway, temptation was too strong for him I guess, and you have your responsibilities!

Now you  'll come back on saturday morning, fr two hours, and you ll copy this sentence 150 times :  " Je ne provoque pas le Président de la République par ma tenue aguichante "

Non mais !!

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