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Do you have a claim to fame?


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At a lunch stop on the London to Brighton bike ride many years ago I was suffering from sunstroke and more than a little irrational, I had been getting more and more annoyed at this bald bloke talking really loudly on one of the new fangled brick mobile phones who was disturbing my lunch.

When he asked me if I was alright (my forehead was like a beacon) I rudely ignored him, not deterred he then offered me some of his sunscreen.

It was at that moment that I said "f**k off baldy" to Duncan Goodhew.

All of my friends rolled about laughing but I honestly had no idea who he was, not that it would have made much difference to me that day!

I used to introduce this subject (what is your claim to fame) at dinner parties to break the ice, the best reply was from a close friend who had kept his claim secret for years, he told us all that his father was Ronnie Biggs business partner!

His father was a painter and decorator with said man who one day he failed to turn up on the job, the rest is history..........

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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]Bert, you are also a world famous guitarist! You must have met loads big stars in them days? Come on, spill the beans! Did you have to give up the guitaring when you got fat? Is that why you became a stunt man for Robbie Cotrane? Did you ever see anything like the fattance of Robbie Coltrane? I liked that show when he was wedged into the Jag XK and travelled round looking for strangeness in England. Still no word about the mandarin lessons[6][/quote]

Tried the mandarin but the strange noise it made had me all confucius.  So I gave the ukrainian a go..you know the one that George Foreman used to play when he was cleaning windows.

After I injured myself doing a stunt for Robbie I took to playing the basset horn, as it was similar to the clarinet that Sgt Acker Bilko played when he recorded Stranger on the Shore.  You wouldn't believe the sound that comes out of that if you pull its long ears hard enough.

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My oldest friend (ex boyfriend) is CEO of PC World........I used to drink vodka with Ollie Reid in Belfast way back in the 70's 'cos my boss was his oldest friend and he used to phone from the off licence over the road from our office and tell Jim to "bring the girl with the amazing green eyes" for a drink...... or two. Rory Gallagher kissed me at my first ever live concert...... I snogged (and was snogged lots by) Lemmy of Motorhead while my brother watched aghast from behind his camera, he was working as a cameraman for Channel 4 at the time and didn't speak to me for weeks afterwards (the whole thing was broadcast live)!..... Garret Fitzgerald and Spike Milligan were both "uncles" to my brother and me.....  OH and I were featured for 2 days on Sky News after our shop was blown up by the Real IRA after being open for only 6 weeks and we lost absolutely everything, thanks Mr Blair, the AngloIrish agreement really works!

I know it's not me, but my father was a great friend of Quentin Crisp.

There's been loads of others but really it's been a quiet old life!


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