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A very moving story


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Did anyone see the story of one mothers fight for the truth about her son contracting BSE. Featured on tonights BBC Inside Out programme.

The government cover up, stifling of scientific evidence and mis-information defies belief.

The most shocking fact emerging was that infected animal products in MRM *were specifically used for school dinners with cost being a main factor. This continued after the species cross-over was clearly identified and proved. (see below)

Her website can be seen HERE and makes disturbing reading.

Mechanically Recovered Meat



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A near neighbour (next hamlet in France), used to operate a rendering unit in Kent: now retired.

Over dinner one evening he was telling my wife and I about his series of meetings with the forerunner to Defra (MAFF), during the BSE crisis.

Appalling state of affairs.

He is supposed at some stage to  give me a series of tapes to be turned into an authoritive book: reminds me to chase him.

Near us at UK home was one of the ministry approved sites for cremation of carcasses: the sky was black with smoke for days and days.

This item, Gary, reminds me of John Selwyn-Gummer, force feeding his gorgeous little daughter, Cordelia, a hamburger for the press when he was Tory Agricultural minister, to "Prove" there was no problem with British beef.




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