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[quote user="WJT"]

Sweet17, I assume you think Iran having  nuclear weapons a good thing?


WJT, are you saying that Iran has or is about to have nuclear weapons? 

[quote user="WJT"]Just last week Iran said they want to obliterate Israel, now Israel may bomb their nuclear weapons.[/quote]Where and when did 'Iran' say that they wanted to obliterate Israel?

I would be very interested in the source for your information.


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I think you missed the point. My question wasn't about who is going to start a war first. Iran made a strong statement last week and Israel has responded. My question was, what would you do if you were Israel?
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[quote user="Jane and Danny"][quote user="WJT"]

Sweet17, I assume you think Iran having  nuclear weapons a good thing?


WJT, are you saying that Iran has or is about to have nuclear weapons? 

[quote user="WJT"]Just last week Iran said they want to obliterate Israel, now Israel may bomb their nuclear weapons.[/quote]Where and when did 'Iran' say that they wanted to obliterate Israel?

I would be very interested in the source for your information.



The comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week, were actually that "Israel will disappear". It is even acknowledged by Iran that they are building a nuclear weapon.

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Ok, I don't know what the statement that Iran made was about.  As Danny says, where is the statement?

I try not to presume and I try to keep an open mind.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not on the side of Iran.  I'm just trying to find out what the situation really is.  I'm worried, yes, but do I know the rights and wrongs of it?  No, of course, I don't!

If you do, I'd like to hear all about it, OK?

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Danny - you just need to Google something like "Ahmadinajad - wipe out Israel" and you will find many references. He has said it often. That is, when he accepts the existence of Israel.

Oh but he doesn't mean it  literally - is usually the reply. [:(]

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[quote user="WJT"][quote user="Jane and Danny"][quote user="WJT"]

Sweet17, I assume you think Iran having  nuclear weapons a good thing?


WJT, are you saying that Iran has or is about to have nuclear weapons? 

[quote user="WJT"]Just last week Iran said they want to obliterate Israel, now Israel may bomb their nuclear weapons.[/quote]Where and when did 'Iran' say that they wanted to obliterate Israel?

I would be very interested in the source for your information.



The comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week, were actually that "Israel will disappear". It is even acknowledged by Iran that they are building a nuclear weapon.


OK, so no one actually said in any sense that they are going to obliterate Israel. Where and when exactly is it acknowledged by Iran that thay are building a nuclear weapon? it would seem that you are privy to information that many others (including the IAEA) are unable to find.

Patf, I am aware of the comments - as WJT says -  by the Iranian Pres and his views toward Israel in general but of course he has never militarily threatened Israel.

Make no mistake - the bombs are coming but not from Iran.


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[quote user="sweet 17"]

OK, I don't know what the statement that Iran made was about.  As Danny says, where is the statement?

I try not to presume and I try to keep an open mind.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not on the side of Iran.  I'm just trying to find out what the situation really is.  I'm worried, yes, but do I know the rights and wrongs of it?  No, of course, I don't!

If you do, I'd like to hear all about it, OK?


I am certainly no expert, as PatF said, all you have to do is google. Also as Patf has said, he has made many similar comments and it just so happens that he made another last week. He held some sort of Holocaust denial conference last year I believe as well.

JaneandDanny, unfortunately, I am not privy to anything and I for one certainly hope your last statement to be true.

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[quote user="WJT"][quote user="sweet 17"]

OK, I don't know what the statement that Iran made was about.  As Danny says, where is the statement?

I try not to presume and I try to keep an open mind.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not on the side of Iran.  I'm just trying to find out what the situation really is.  I'm worried, yes, but do I know the rights and wrongs of it?  No, of course, I don't!

If you do, I'd like to hear all about it, OK?


I am certainly no expert, as PatF said, all you have to do is google. Also as Patf has said, he has made many similar comments and it just so happens that he made another last week. He held some sort of Holocaust denial conference last year I believe as well.

JaneandDanny, unfortunately, I am not privy to anything and I for one certainly hope your last statement to be true.


The trouble with just searching on google is that it is very easy to find a whole load of stuff. It does not have to be verified to be there. Plenty of baseless propaganda. Iran's president's views on Israel are quite upfront. But he has never threatened Israel with violence. Unlike those in the US administration who have said publicly LET'S BOMB IRAN. Somehow, this is translated into Iran is evil and nasty and we are the nice guys.

WJT, I don't understand what you hope to be true about my last statement. Do you mean that you hope that thousands more people are going to die - this time in Iran? I was predicting that the US and its proxy in the middle east are about to START another war with unimaginable consequences. I believe it has started already in a covert and propaganda fashion.

The problem of rogue states acquiring secret nuclear weapons is certainly a problem but the focus is on the wrong state. The real menace in the middle east is already armed to the teeth.


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  Have read all the above and can see all sides but can somebody tell me after all that

                                                                                                                              Is there something new about it, it is the middle east  . no!!

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

...........The real menace in the middle east is already armed to the teeth.


Very true - and the US already has WMD with a warmonger running the country. The only good news being that he can't be re-elected thus ruling out one reason for another war.




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The bottom line is Iran should be wacked back into the stoneage. That would send a pretty positive message to the rest of the jumped up wannabee dictators not to mess with the peackeepers.
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[quote user="JMB"]The bottom line is Iran should be wacked back into the stoneage. That would send a pretty positive message to the rest of the jumped up wannabee dictators not to mess with the peackeepers.[/quote]

I didn't realise Donald Rumsfield was a member of this forum?

When did he join?


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Plenty of time for the US to start a war before the presidential elections.  Especially if it believes, like it did in Iraq, that it will be won and all done and dusted in double quick time.

As for Israel, I wonder if the powers that be in that country ever think about how unassailable its position as a sovereign state really is.............

But then, analysing things in a philosophical and moral way is not nearly so exciting as making threats, is it?

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I have decided that, as soon as possible, I am going to move permanently to my little French farmhouse with my wood burner for heating and cooking, grow all my own food and buy a pony and trap. Then, the rest of the world can get on with its oil wars!
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[quote user="Mel"]I have decided that, as soon as possible, I am going to move permanently to my little French farmhouse with my wood burner for heating and cooking, grow all my own food and buy a pony and trap. Then, the rest of the world can get on with its oil wars![/quote]

Lucky you............................

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Plenty of time for the US to start a war before the presidential elections.  Especially if it believes, like it did in Iraq, that it will be won and all done and dusted in double quick time.

As for Israel, I wonder if the powers that be in that country ever think about how unassailable its position as a sovereign state really is.............

But then, analysing things in a philosophical and moral way is not nearly so exciting as making threats, is it?


My two sons were in Israel during the first Gulf War, one subsequently joined the Israeli army but is now back in the UK, the eldest is now back working on a kibbutz in Israel.

Easy to sit in France or the UK making these comments about how awful Israel is.  Do I agree with the Israelis about the way they treat Arabs, no I don't but then I don't live with the pressure of almost daily bombardments of my land by 'militants' or 'insurgents' from 'refugee camps' in southern Lebanon or from the Gaza Strip.

Do I agree with their right to attack countries that they see as a legitimate and viable threat to their stability, their very existance, yes I do, especially when the country continually and without let makes verbal attacks on their even existing, where the President makes wholly inflamatory speeches, denies the holocaust and is regarded by the US, UK and many European governments as a threat to world stability - yes I do!1

Thatcher allowed the US to use UK bases to bomb Libya when their government was at a similar stage in developing their nuclear capacity.  Would the Uk do something similar if they were under threat, probably so, getting retaliation in first is SOMETIMES a good way of diffusing the situation - and remember, that nice Mr Obama has said he will do EVERYTHING (he said that word 5 times in the same paragraph of his speech of last week) to prevent Iran obtaining a viable nuclear capacity, so if the Israeli's don't, the American well may do so.


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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"][quote user="sweet 17"]

Plenty of time for the US to start a war before the presidential elections.  Especially if it believes, like it did in Iraq, that it will be won and all done and dusted in double quick time.

As for Israel, I wonder if the powers that be in that country ever think about how unassailable its position as a sovereign state really is.............

But then, analysing things in a philosophical and moral way is not nearly so exciting as making threats, is it?


My two sons were in Israel during the first Gulf War, one subsequently joined the Israeli army but is now back in the UK, the eldest is now back working on a kibbutz in Israel.

Easy to sit in France or the UK making these comments about how awful Israel is.  Do I agree with the Israelis about the way they treat Arabs, no I don't but then I don't live with the pressure of almost daily bombardments of my land by 'militants' or 'insurgents' from 'refugee camps' in southern Lebanon or from the Gaza Strip.

Do I agree with their right to attack countries that they see as a legitimate and viable threat to their stability, their very existance, yes I do, especially when the country continually and without let makes verbal attacks on their even existing, where the President makes wholly inflamatory speeches, denies the holocaust and is regarded by the US, UK and many European governments as a threat to world stability - yes I do!1

Thatcher allowed the US to use UK bases to bomb Libya when their government was at a similar stage in developing their nuclear capacity.  Would the Uk do something similar if they were under threat, probably so, getting retaliation in first is SOMETIMES a good way of diffusing the situation - and remember, that nice Mr Obama has said he will do EVERYTHING (he said that word 5 times in the same paragraph of his speech of last week) to prevent Iran obtaining a viable nuclear capacity, so if the Israeli's don't, the American well may do so.



Tony, I don't think I have said anywhere that Israel is "awful".

What I do feel is utter powerless and total dejection that the Middle East situation is threatening yet again to engulf us all.

It would be nothing short of a miracle for those in entrenched positions to look at everything again with fresh eyes.  What I am absolutely certain about is that no such miracle will ever take place.

If it's only bloodshed and devastation that we have to look forward to, then life anywhere (France, UK, wherever) would be truly untenable.

I have friends living in Israel and I can't help but fear for them.

I am glad that your boys returned safe and well from their war.  Look, I am not taking sides, merely trying to tease out, as much as I can, the intricacies of the situation and thinking about the implications of an Israeli or Western war against Iran.

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