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Kicking the habit.

Just Katie

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It'll cost though Mr H......... Kitty don't come cheap.

I think i am going to frame Framboise.........for coming up with the jar of gunk idea and getting me in trouble!!

JK COME BACK............otherwise I'll be up all night checking out the windows, waiting to make my escape!! Kitty'll be watching my back....no probs.

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Errr......I'm innocent [:D]  

Anyway I don't need Sniper-Kitty - I've got Sniper-Hubby here with his WW2 collection!

Well, that old advert showing the gunk in a glass has certainly made you smokers think again hasn't it?  Imagine that revolting muck sitting in your lungs, bubbling away like the witches cauldron, simmerring filthy tar.................

You'll all be giving up in droves now!!    It worked!!  [;-)]


Edit:   Chris.  Pretending to be gay to deter a persistant admirer does not always work - they see it as a challenge to convert you back   onto the right track!        

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Well just a little tale to encourage you.  My aunt gave up smoking about four months ago.  She is in her early seventies, has always smelt disgustingly of fags and has tried many times to give up but this time I think she is beating it.  She tried the patches but was allergic so used just willpower.  However this time she really wants to stop, she says her lungs hurt too much, so strong motivation (plus the cash I have promised her as a little pressie!).  This is a woman who has smoked around 30 a day for probably in the region of 55 years.  She puts the cash away each week that she would have spent on ciggies and treats herself every month or so ie she bought a portable telly and other bits of furniture.  She also lives in a house with two other resident heavy smokers plus lots of other visiting smokers but is still determined.  I just admire her so much.  So if she can do it, I am sure you can.  Also, if you could see her, that would be motivation enough to give up seeing the ravages of too many fags.  I also speak as someone who gave up a long time ago.  I hated having such a habit and will never go back.  Now after about 15 years I never have the slightest craving.  I never smoked anything like my aunt did but I still found it very difficult, so I know how it feels.  However I was also sorely grieved by the waste of money it represented.  Good luck and stick at it.
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Thanks Mossie,

I must admit, I am not finding it that difficult.  I did not make a concious decision to do it.  I just did not feel like smoking on Sunday (following smoking loads on Saturday).  When I got up Monday I did not have any and thought....."Hang on......".  That's it.[:)]

I dont even remember my last one.

After failing quite a few times, I know my biggest downfall will be in 3 months, when I think I can have just one but I am not falling for that one this time.

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[quote user="sharkhunter"]On my 2nd week now and this is the third time i have given up, been smoking since 13 yrs old. Previously smoked cigars and packed them in 5 years ago. Then i was due to go on holiday in Feb this year to Namibia, another shark fishing trip, and my dad got taken into hospital seriously ill, and we were all called in. To cut a long story short he died the day i was due to fly out, but in that week i smoked a few to de-stress and got hooked again.
I have now given up and on the patches..............are'nt they a bitch to light !!![:P]

Hang on in there, the nicotine gremlins will call soon.


Hi Sharky,

You still in there? 

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[quote user="mark23200"]

Well Done JK - I gave up on 19th Sept had to go into hospital - good excuse as any to set a date.

Given up once before for 5 years - had 1 cig on a night out from work and that was it!! Even though OH hates smoking and I had to smoke outside!! Smoked outside for 6 years - in all weathers!

Now nearly 5 weeks down the road, some days are easier that others and I can eat...and eat....and eat!Come on Chris, if I can do it anyone can!!

Jo (mark's OH!)


How is it going with you Jo.  You need to get your own identity and avatar.  What you are doing is similar to wearing your mans underpants.[:D]

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[quote user="Framboise"]

Katie - did you see the campaign a few years ago when scientists put a dozen cigs in a jar then topped it up with water?

The resulting thick, black oozy gunge that seeped through in a matter of days would certainly have deterred me from smoking [+o(]

                                                        picture that jar full of gunge......................ughhhhh   [+o(]




Hi Framboise,

I have made a jar of gunge.  I made it about 5 mins ago and already it is the colour of a dark ale.  The tobacco is floating on the top and the brown toxins are seeping out from it, slowly falling to the bottom of the jar.  It contains only 6 ciggies.  OMG what have I done to my lungs? 

I saw an old lady today with one leg.  This sight would terrify me in the past because I know the most common cause of this is circulation trouble through smoking (or diabetes).  I know it sounds awfully selfish of me but I did not get that pang of guilt this time. 

I would like to take the opportunity to wish those I have highlighted above, the best of luck.  I  cannot wait for new years eve. "Me?  No I have already kicked the habit,  I'm there mate"[geek]

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Hi Folks

Yep, still hanging in there!! - Not been on line, been busy!

Yes, there are times when I could kill for that cig....especially as my little one has just asked if Mummy is going to have a baby!! - Put on quite a tumy all ready.  Probably 'cos I don't stop easting!!   know that will settle down, wish it would happen soon though!

Sounds like everyone is doing really well!

Don't know how to set up another account though JK...its as easy doing it this way! (Totally computer illiterate!)

Roll on Christmas and New Year with more money to spend and better health!


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The end of the 3rd week is upon me, cruising thru even after spending a night in the pub watching the rugby final ( [:D] sorry folks ) amongst all the smokers. One thing for sure, my clothes didn't half stink, when i got home and got undressed the smell off of my pullover was ..............!!!!!

Big test next week when i go back over to Scotland to meet up with some family and mates, going to spend weekend on a small island off of Mull to do some stuff ( hunting ) and have a lads session, a few of them smoke so will have to enforce a few rules re smoking areas.

Best wishes to all who have given up or are in the process and also to those who are inspired by this thread.

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Cheers Jo,

It was exactly that, 2 puffs then I gave it back (or did she snatch it)?  Anyway, I am really pleased today because I dont feel like a failure and am moving forward.  I have not felt like a ciggie today, not even when my mate called in for coffee and lit up.

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