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Kicking the habit.

Just Katie

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Well Done JK - I gave up on 19th Sept had to go into hospital - good excuse as any to set a date.

Given up once before for 5 years - had 1 cig on a night out from work and that was it!! Even though OH hates smoking and I had to smoke outside!! Smoked outside for 6 years - in all weathers!

Now nearly 5 weeks down the road, some days are easier that others and I can eat...and eat....and eat!Come on Chris, if I can do it anyone can!!

Jo (mark's OH!)

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JK, motivation is all. If you have a good reason for quitting then you can do it. I gave up smoking 3 months before my daughter was born (first child). I had promised myself that I would do so before she was born. My daughter is now 19 and I don't regret giving up for a moment. However, I know very well that I could easily light up even now and would still enjoy the disgusting taste and smell of tobacco - that's how strong a drug it is. But I feel so much cleaner and sociable now than when I was a smoker and I don't worry about my health because of it. My advice to my children has been quite simply: never start because once you do it's bloody hard to stop!

Well it sounds like you have found your motivation and I wish you all the strength to ignore the pangs of desire you will feel to "just have one fag" - it's all or nothing I'm afraid. But believe me it is worth it in the end [:D]

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[quote user="Gemini_man"] My advice to my children has been quite simply: never start because once you do it's bloody hard to stop!


I went home to Wales a couple of years ago with my daughter.  My gran was still alive but was very ill and was using oxygen.  She'd been a heavy smoker all her adult life.  We drove to her house to take her out for an afternoon of her beloved bingo.  My daughter was waiting in the car watching me help my gran down the garden path and into the car.  It took her 10 minutes as we had to pause all the time for her get her breath back.

Later my daughter who was 6 at the time asked me why she had such difficuly breathing.  "She smokes sweetheart" was my honest reply.  She swore to me on that day that she would never touch a cigarette as long as she lived and is always having a go at her French grandmother to give up smoking.  Our house is a smoke free zone even when friends visit and she hates going into smokey cafés. 

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I have just returned from the pub, yes I know it is Tuesday, but Tuesday is poker night.  They were all nipping outsite for a quickie and I was very good.  I had a pang or two but was disgusted with them bringing nasty smells into the place.  I am quite proud of myself.
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Good on you all for giving up the filthy weed [:D]

Personally I have never smoked or even tried a ciggie, but strangely even though neither of Us smoke, ALL our kids do. Why is that?  My daughter used to be so anti-smoking when she was little, yet she freely admits she cannot exist without them now even if they are a terrible waste of money, and  its not as if I have been a bad example because I have always said what disgusting things cigarettes are, they make you reek like an old ashtray, ruin your clothes and make you cough your heart up.   Yuk.

And the smoking ban.   Went to the pub with OH Friday and what a difference!   Previously you could cut the atmosphere with a blunt knife and now you can see without streaming eyes or stinking like a bonfire when you leave the premises - mind you, you can catch pneumonia from the gale howling through the open door to the terrace but I guess you can't have everything.

Instead save up the ciggie money and have a splurge on something nice like a special meal, maybe a day out somewhere, a new coat or whatever because at least that way you will have a lot more to show for it than a shadow on your lungs, breath like an ashtray and a cough to frighten dogs and small children.   Maybe it doesn't seem like it when you are fighting off the demons but it is worthwhile.

Smoking will kill you slowly and steadily, in the meantime it takes away your enjoyment of so many pleasures in life because you are just too unfit or sick to relish them.   Banish the Demon Weed  and claim back your life !!!  [:)]

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

God will you stop banging on JK, it's enough to want to make a man give up!



You are a smoker Chris, you should understand why I am banging on about it.  Each time I remind myself how horrid it is, I get stronger.

Thanks Framboise,  keep the horrible stories coming.  They give me strength.

Chris, how could a woman go anywhere near you when you smell like a wet ashtray?[+o(][6]

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Katie - did you see the campaign a few years ago when scientists put a dozen cigs in a jar then topped it up with water?

The resulting thick, black oozy gunge that seeped through in a matter of days would certainly have deterred me from smoking [+o(]

In a previous existance 20 years ago I had a pub so fag smoke was in my life whether I liked it or not.   I did not allow smoking in my quarters, nevertheless it crept through the floors of my apartment and on waking every day it was there, drifting around, the silent killer in our midst.  Thats not to mention how my clothes reeked of stale smoke even if I was not working in the Bar - disgusting!

For you,  having given up you can now appreciate the smell of clean washing, flowers and all sorts of other things you never realised had a scent before, like the smell of autumn even.  Then once you tastebuds recover you'll appreciate your food even more because its not all "ready-smoked".  

 Don't give in to those evil little blighters - deprive them.  [:D].  And when you feel tempted...............................

                                                        picture that jar full of gunge......................ughhhhh   [+o(]



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[quote user="Gemini_man"][quote user="Just Katie"]I hope I dont get it muggled up with my homemade apple chutney![:D][/quote]

Why, do they look similar???

Yuk [+o(]



She's gonna mix em up..........and get poisoned.

And everyone will blame me for telling her to drink some. [:'(]

Can you go to jail for daring someone to do something. How many years am i looking at??

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They make you stand out side [blink]

I hear them police are pretty quick now adays as they still get given cars , until Health and Saftey decide its to dangerous for police to drive [Www]

Keep that gun totting kitten on watch out.  

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