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Kicking the habit.

Just Katie

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[quote user="Tresco"][quote user="Just Katie"]

Dont even try to hijack this thread Twinkle.  Clear Off![:@]


Frayed nerves, Katie?[;-)]

Good luck with your quest.[:)]

OMG  OMG OMG....... tREZZA Baby!!!![:D][:D][:)][:$]

Lovely to see you.  You can hijack the thread as much as you want. X

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No Tresc, if you are nice to Twinks all the time, she starts to misbehave like a naughty child so you have to give her a smack now and then. 

This causes her to stomp off in a huff, drop herself on a chair with folded arms and hanging lip,  where she will stay quietly for a while, whilst being ignored by me then, 10 mins later she will creep behind me to apologise.  Honestly, I can time each motion with her. It has been like that for years and we are both very aware of it.

She runs riots around me but knows when she has gone to far and gets a stern look.

Anyway, I think the two of you have manipulated me into hijacking my own thread.

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[quote user="Just Katie"]

Anyway, I think the two of you have manipulated me into hijacking my own thread.


LOL at that!

Very interesting though. You're like an old married couple and it even works on-line.[:)]

Speaking of which, what is the status of your OH with regard to smoking?

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[quote user="Just Katie"]Other half is a social smoker but would love to give it up.  He was always nagging me to give up and, now that I have it is really strange because I now see him as a REAL smoker.[/quote]

No such thing, only ANTI SOCIAL SMOKERS!!

Guess which side of the fence I'm on..?

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[quote user="Just Katie"]

Yep, I have not smoked for almost 48 hours because it is going to kill me and it makes me stink.  Anyone fancy joining me on this wonderful journey? 


Hello JK... I started smoking when I was 15 and I am now 44 and hate being a smoker... so I quit yesterday  [blink]  Is it OK if I join your ex-smokers club too? [:)]

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PPP.  Well done.  Making the decision to quit is the hardest.  When I have given up in the past I have felt miserable and well, nothing short of desparate.  This time though, I have forgotten that I have given up.  When you smell smokers now it will make you cringe to think you  have been oblivious to smelling like that for so long.

All the best.

How is everyone else doing?  Some feedback would be appreciated.

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[quote user="Just Katie"]

 Making the decision to quit is the hardest.  When I have given up in the past I have felt miserable and well, nothing short of desparate.  [/quote]

I know that feeling!  [8-)][blink][:(]

I told myself when we moved to France I would  quit.  Seemed like a good plan as everything was new.  Didn't anticipate stressy drive down, teething problems, 2 weeks with the in-laws, france telecom, packing boxes and the general upheaval of moving... needless to say I carried on smoking!

12 weeks on I have tried and failed twice already... kept it up for a day or two and then thought B*****cks... it's not worth it... but of course it is worth it and this last week I have been so miserable about my smoking... I'm addicted but hate it at the same time!  So, last night I just thought... OK enough excuses, just do it! 

The biggest withdrawal symptom for me is impatience and temper tantrums... I sat down at dinner last night and told OH and son that I wanted to quit but needed them to help and that I may be a bit of a monster for a couple of weeks but I can't do it without their help...they said OK and that was that!  I have had cravings today and as the evening creeps in I think about the nasty old weed but I'm strong (and I also have no fags!) ... I just need to keep thinking I don't want to die and it kind of puts everything in perspective for me!

Thanks for starting this thread and well done on your own success!  [:D]

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I went out partying last night and smoked a few (about 5).  I am not looking on it as failure though just a glich in the system.  I have given up for 3 weeks now and intend to keep going.

It is getting easier.  I have broken the morning habit, and the one after food habit, and the driving home from work habit - which for me is the best one of the day.  I just need to conquer the habit when out socialising now!  I am nearly there arent I?

Take it a day at a time and in small chunks guys! [:)]

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I'm struggling!!!! Why is this so hard!  Returned to the UK for a week last week and smoked twice visiting friends... this just meant I have to go through the whole withdrawal thing again from the start!  I hate being a smoker and I really dont want to smoke but I am so tempted right now to jump in the car and go to the tabac... ARGHHH !![:(]
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Had a few when back in Scotland with mates but not worried, thats normal i think after getting away from it all.Now back in France and onto my 5th week and only occasional thought/desire for a fag.?????? Cigarette..

Been back almost two weeks and cruising to the finishing post, but lets not be kidded here, i am a smoker who habitually stops. Even after 5 years the nicotine demons were screaming at me, maybe i'm just weak ???


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Your doing well katie , hards times ahead with all the christmas parties and getting so drunk you dont know what your doing. Make all your friends promise not to cave in no matter how much you beg when drunk........... If you can get through this period it will be all down hill from then.

Keep it up lass[:)] 

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You have my full support.  I found it got better after a couple of years or so - my main tip being to get someone to lock you in a hermetically sealed box whenever you've had a few drinks in the first 24 months.  Alcohol is the big, inhibition-lifting enemy.

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JK and Sharkhunter... you both sound so positive.  I feel really bad today (poor family) I either feel I want to explode or cry.  I never smoked a great deal between 5 - 10 a day depending on what I was doing.  I could go for hours and hours without even thinking about a smoke, never smoked in the house or car and never smoked at work.  I have some friends who never even knew I smoked - even my in-laws don't know.  I really do hate being a smoker and I really do worry about the health implications - my little boy was always telling me to stop and saying he didn't want me to die... but even with all that the last few days, as with previous attempts, have been soooo hard and I feel so tempted... although I never went to the tabac!!  I don't want to give up on giving up, I just want this dreadful feeling to pass... [:(]

As you can see I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself... but very impressed at the efforts of others who are doing so well.... I'm in awe of your strength!!! [:$]

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Thanks Twinkle... I'm feeling better today although evenings are the worse for me!  I guess it's just a case of getting through it!  It's sounds really horrible but I keep telling myself that this maybe hard but not as hard as it would be dealing with one of the many nasty smoking related illnesses.  For me this is the driver behind me wanting to quit - I want to stay healthy! 

I have to say I have found the comments on JK's thread really really helpful... what a clever girl she was to set this up! [:D]

p.s. Twinkle, I hope you're cat is ok

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