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The Bickering Thread


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Not at all a good decision!

Think of my lost profits!

And in any case, the plant would have been obsolete by 1991: and we could have gone again!




Greed is a terrible thing.

It would have been killed by maintenance costs by 1985 (at the latest)

MSF were designed against a 25 year life, then you do a life extension programme.

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Same kit as was being used in all HM's nuke subs, cruise liners, brackish water wells in Southern Sain and best of all, Saudia.

Anyway, I could live with a 4-5 year project re-cycle time.

Bearing in mind that the feedstock was straight from the harbour, saline, and RO dumped 40% straight back, whereas MSF leaves serious deposits and RO only needs membranes replacing periodically, the HP pumps servicing and the sand bed filters renewed.

Plenty of sand and plenty of energy!

And all those lovely spares and service charges too!

As Gordon Geko said, "Greed is good!"



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[quote user="cassis"]Is this " Bickering Thread" like a word association test?

Feel free to disgaree.



Away man

                It`s a boys club.

                                        They can keep it


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[quote user="Gluestick"]


Same kit as was being used in all HM's nuke subs, cruise liners, brackish water wells in Southern Sain and best of all, Saudia.

Anyway, I could live with a 4-5 year project re-cycle time.

Bearing in mind that the feedstock was straight from the harbour, saline, and RO dumped 40% straight back, whereas MSF leaves serious deposits and RO only needs membranes replacing periodically, the HP pumps servicing and the sand bed filters renewed.

Plenty of sand and plenty of energy!

And all those lovely spares and service charges too!

As Gordon Geko said, "Greed is good!"





RO plants

are fine for very small installations and are ok for brackish water and cool

“blue” water. (ships and submarines). In high TDS, inshore, warm water they are

much less viable. In particular, the Gulf has a high probability of oil

contamination which, as you know, is instant death to membranes. Coupled with a

TDS of 45,000+ means your sand filters just don’t do it.

 Hence the

need for DAF units, flocculants, DMF units and cartridge filters all to get the

right SDI for membrane inlet, plus of course the associated expensive chemical

pre-treatment, including knocking out the chlorine which is necessary to stop

the beasties growing in the sea water inlet.

 The best

recovery ratio on sea water is c.40%, we are working on 38% so, at best, you

are rejecting 60% of your inlet flow. Its better than MSF / MED admittedly but

it comes with a very high risk and pre-treatment cost.

Serious deposits from MSF ??????? Its brine, OK, its 60,000++ TDS but RO plants reject

brine also, plus the reject chemicals, backwash debris etc.

 MSF plants

in particular and MED to a lesser extent are pretty bomb proof and don’t need

any more specialised maintenance than is normally available in any power

station environment.

 How much

better to use a thermal plant (MED these days) where your station overall

thermal efficiency is high because you are extracting waste heat in the gas

turbine exhausts that could otherwise be, well, wasted ! Particularly if you

integrate the plant with a back pressure steam turbine.


Argue your

way out of that one!!!!  [:P]

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I agree GS, there are. My own major projects are a 5 migpd and a 3 migpd SWRO installation, both by CH2MHill, they are cheap to buy and hence offer short term (IMHO) advantages. I dont believe they are the "silver bullet" for water plants, at least not for 'less than clean' sea water.

The plants on the list are, in the main, quite small, particularly in comparison with my recent 2 x 8 migpd MED units by SIDEM. Anything less than 5 million a day is small these days (hotels and ships apart). I consider my 3 migpd plant a bit of a side show.

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Not only that, Cat, they are talking esoteric boys' toys which I, for one, do not understand a word of.  Isn't there somewhere in the rules about posting in such a way as to prevent others from joining in?  If there isn't, I think they should invent one.

Come on, Gluey and Steve, knock it off, will you?[:P]

Come out and play, or even fight, but don't be mean and keep it all to yourselves, hein?

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Anyway, speaking (as they were) about water...

I'm awfully glad that it's just started raining again.  I just love the rain, we don't get nearly enough of it, it cheers me up no end every time the sky darkens and the distant rumble of thunder makes the windows rattle.

Oh look!  Lighteni

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Cat, you're a cat, remember?  You're not supposed to like the rain.  You'd best come in through your cat flap or you'll be struck by that lightning and it would serve you right for pretending you like the rain, OK?

As for you, Frenchie, you'll have to bicker in English as the only remotely rude thing I can say in French is Va-t-en!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Cat, you're a cat, remember?  You're not supposed to like the rain.  You'd best come in through your cat flap or you'll be struck by that lightning and it would serve you right for pretending you like the rain, OK?


Cat was trying: problem is her electronic cat collar which only allows Cat in was badly affected by static: and stopped working!


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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Not only that, Cat, they are talking esoteric boys' toys which I, for one, do not understand a word of.  Isn't there somewhere in the rules about posting in such a way as to prevent others from joining in?  If there isn't, I think they should invent one.

Come on, Gluey and Steve, knock it off, will you?[:P]

Come out and play, or even fight, but don't be mean and keep it all to yourselves, hein?


Not boy's toys at all, girls can play too.

A leading figure in the desal world is a woman, Lisa Henthorne, she is also "chairperson" of the World Desalination Association.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]I agree GS, there are. My own major projects are a 5 migpd and a 3 migpd SWRO installation, both by CH2MHill, they are cheap to buy and hence offer short term (IMHO) advantages. I dont believe they are the "silver bullet" for water plants, at least not for 'less than clean' sea water.

The plants on the list are, in the main, quite small, particularly in comparison with my recent 2 x 8 migpd MED units by SIDEM. Anything less than 5 million a day is small these days (hotels and ships apart). I consider my 3 migpd plant a bit of a side show.


Here's a water plant.  Better than a crummy 8 migpd MED water plant.  Pah! 


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