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Send in the Clowns


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[quote user="sweet 17"]Katie, have you finished with Swansea forever?  What no more cockles from Swansea market?[/quote]

I don't know Sweet.  I am going home this weekend and I am dreading it.  It feels strange being away but it is still a novelty to me, a bit like being on holiday.  Even my new job is a novelty.  I am learning French from my colleagues and learning about the different techniques and procedures in France. 

However, I do feel a little lump in my throat when my visitors leave for home so I suppose I miss the people rather than the place.

Besides, my mum told me it has been cold and raining in Wales the last month whereas the weather here in Paris has been mostly warm and sunny, with the odd day of rain. [:D]

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  • 2 months later...

Just back from Lyon with my daughter for a post operation appointment with her surgeon. 

All is well and she won't have to go back for another 4-5 years which is wonderful news.  I thought it would be nice for her to go and say thank you to the nurses who looked after her while she was there in July and to bring along some jigsaws and games that she's grown out for the children to play with in the activity room. 

It was so strange coming out of the lift and seeing her old room - the door was closed and so obviously there was another child in there.  We walked down the corridor to the nurses station and we heard the same sounds as when we were there - babies crying - and we saw some poor mites lying in their beds staring at the ceiling just waiting...

We were very relieved to be just visiting this time and I think it really made my daughter (and me) realise that she is very lucky and things could have been so different.


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I have a daughter who has been in hospital eight times, including stints at Christmas and during her birthday.  I've always stayed in a bed in the corner of her room and so can compare systems.  Her French hospital is far, far cleaner than the UK one, with a dragon of a consultant (dragon to the staff not the children), who keeps a steely eye on everything.  Last time there, my daughter had blooded sheets and the consultant was really angry and did something about it.  Likewise a floor which didn't meet her expectations.  Consultants in the UK seem to keep out of monitoring cleanliness.

I'm glad, Twinkle, that your daughter has been through the worst and it's so kind that you have donated toys.  I hope that she can stay healthy and look forward to hearing that she has the all-clear in 4 or 5 years' time.  (Do you think this Forum will still exist then?)


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I would rather be in a French hospital than anywhere else too Cathy but we haven't always had problem free stays. 

 Only this last time in July the air conditioning broke down and we had a 'puddle' of water in our room for 4 days!  They scolded me for bringing my daughter some fresh flowers because of infection and there was this great big  dirty wet footprint path from the door to her bed! 

Another time her sodium drip wasn't properly plugged in and she was without for 3 hours before I noticed the fluid all over the floor behind her bed.  The nurses are so often understaffed and have so much administration work on top of their nursing duties. 

So sorry to hear that your daughter needs to go to hospital regularly Cathy - they should be only allowed to play and  laugh and have carefree days at least until they become adults[:)] Thank God that the services and medical treatment exist today to keep our angels fit and healthy though.

Clair - I may be brave but you should meet my daughter!

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