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Steam Cleaners


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I bought a hand-held steam cleaner, thinking it would be a useful way of assessing whether a more expensive heavier duty version would be a good buy. I didn't therefore expect miraculaous results, but, although it appears to be working correctly, I am not able to really see any benefits when using it. I have tried it on the oven, small marks on carpets, shower tiles etc and am underwhelmed. Am I doing something wrong, or are they just not as described?


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Not as described ??? Are you suggesting that the advertising might not be quite accurate????

I thought about one of these a while back but was told by several people that they were a waste of time/money so didn't get one.  It seems from your unfortunate experiance that they were correct.

Sorry, hope other people have better experiences.

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It depends on what your needs and expectations are.

The small hand-held ones are not very effective, I agree. We have bigger and more powerful versions in both homes. If you want to just clean tiles or windows then there are plenty of other ways that work just as well or better. If you want to deal with od, deep-seated carpet stains, then steam cleaning may help - or more likely, nothing will touch the particular stain. However, for things like grease or limescale they are extremely effective, I wouldn't be without ours for kitchen and bathroom cleaning, particularly places like between tiles and around taps. The high pressure jets and brushes are good for removing cooker debris - but if it is really baked on then nothing will shift it. They are good too on carpets and upholstery if you attack the stain promptly. The big advantage is that they use no chemicals or other cleaning agents, just high pressure steam.

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I would agree with Will on this too.  We bought one in the UK and it was expensive but we had it for years and it was fantastic.  It's a Polti and it would clean just about anything.  It did get very hot and I would get frustrated when it ran out of steam and have to wait for it to cool and then refill and heat... but it was fantastic.  I would go round the house and steam clean skirting boards, carpets, furniture, in the kitchen and bathroom, even around the loo... anywhere needed really... excellent for a really really big spring clean or getting ride of stains  My only regret... I left it in the UK!!! [Www]  My friend tells me it's still going strong and she loves it now!  I must have been mad!!!
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Sadly, I have to vote with those who say the cheapo article is rubbish. Ours came from an Outiror lorry. For those who haven't yet lived in rural France, there is a regular flow of large juggernaut-sized lorries from several firms which park in your village once every few weeks for a morning or afternoon. You'll know they're due because you will have received their catalogue about a week in advance, offering all sorts of goods from garden to kitchen, with ladders and tools in between. Our steam-cleaner does indeed produce steam, but I think the average kettle produces rather more. I doubt that the cleaner could do much more than get a postage stamp off an envelope! Not our best buy!
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[quote user="pouyade"]

I bought a hand-held steam cleaner, thinking it would be a useful way of assessing whether a more expensive heavier duty version would be a good buy. I didn't therefore expect miraculaousmiraculaousmiraculaousmiraculaousmiraculaousmiraculaous results, but, although it appears to be working correctly, I am not able to really see any benefits when using it. I have tried it on the oven, small marks on carpets, shower tiles etc and am underwhelmed. Am I doidPouyadedingPouyade or are they just not as dPouyaded?



SNAP!!! I did exactly the same. I've wanted one for ages, and was specifically after a wee hand held one, just for the shower, cooker hob etc. But yup, it's pants! You didn't  get the Dirt Devil one on offer at Lidl a few weeks back did you??? [:D]

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We too have one of the big Poltis and it's really good. The tiles at the back of our hob had about 20 years muck on them soaked into the grout and all. That removed it with a bit of elbow grease thrown in too. Still a bit more to do yet. Also cleans the dogs rug very well. I'm sure that it will be good if the car seats get mucky too.

Not tried the little ones though. I supose that you get what you pay for really?

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