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Is nothing sacred ?


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 Even if they catch them...what will they get....community service .....3 months picking up roadside paper  but not on day its raining ! ...The words " punishment to fit the crime " means nothing in this day and age ...its not the first time this has happened ..sadly wont be the last ....My fathers name is on the navy  memorial at Chatham ....if I want to see it I have to make an appointment...  access gate is locked normally ....thankfully ..

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I was going to say that words fail me but tragically this sort of thing is an all too common reflection on the morally bankrupt society that UK has become.

Equally sadly Fredrick is probably not far out in terms of the punishment likely to be meted out to the scum who did this if ever caught, but it is almost certain they never will be.

If they were apprehended and it were up to me to decide their fate they would face a choice - a televised public flogging followed by a full 10 years in prison - or the front line in Afghanistan or Iraq for the duration.

Verily the blood in my veins doth boil [:'(] [:@]

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Mine boiling too Ernie!

My paternal grandfather was in the Lancashire Fusiliers & was killed within weeks of the landing  in 1915 at Galipoli.  This regiment lost so many troops in WWI.   And, NO benefits then.  His widow was left with 8 children, my father was  the youngest and only 2 years old, so life for them was really hard, and the Great Depression soon followed WWI and life got even harder.

But, it does not surprise me - seen it all as a teacher when  so many kids these days think they are entitled to so much, and expect to have their 'rights', and are encouraged in all this by this useless government.  

 I second your comments on a suitable punishment Ernie.  

And, I do wonder who might have taken the plaques since they have been there safely for decades, and now have been stolen.   Is it possible that someone with a grudge, and not understanding, or caring about the impact of this theft, someone who might perhaps have no connection whatsoever, or loyalty to the UK may be guilty ?



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