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Jonathon Ross


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I wonder how many of those who complained actually listened to the show, or for that matter those who have commented here.  Its on You Tube if you want to hear it.  It is clear if you listen to it in full that J Ross was the main culprit in this sorry episode and really dropped Brand in the shit which Ross then made worse by  making comments during the second call after which Brand also lost the plot and made the third call which sounded too contrived to me to have been spontaneous, was it all planned perhaps?

I agree with Tegwini, Ross's Friday show has gone down hill fast,  his guest list is poor, top line guests rarely come back a second time, after all if you are a genuine A lister who has been asked if they would like to shag him, look at his willy or if they shave their bush, you are hardly going back for more of the same third form smut are you? 

Ross's downfall has been coming for a long time, he has sailed close to the wind with his radio show at times, but his appearance on the "Award Winning"[:-))] (least watched or best chav show on TV?) Charlotte Church Show plumbed the depths with Ross just adding an F adjective to every word he uttered and she was not far behind in the F'in stakes, but that attracted little comment, however now he has erred on the BBC which is disliked by a number of papers particularly the Daily Wail, Ross is now being held up as the epitimony of all that is bad at the BBC particularly over paid so called "stars".

Brand will not care too much about not doing a radio show because like it or not, he is on his way up and will probably go to the US and make more successful films, but have we seen the start of the big slide for Wossy and more worryingly the start of ridiculous over sensitive censorship on the BBC as a whole?  PS anyone got any work for Four poofs and a Piano[blink]

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[quote user="tegwini"]

I often wonder about lisps -  I have rarely heard them out of the UK.    Tegwini


Lots of lisp-y words in Spanish, tegwini!

Also, nearly half a century ago it might have been, but I remember a girl in school who used to have a terrible lisp.  And, as it was a convent school (and the nuns are nothing if not sadistic), this girl was made to recite Walter de la Mare's poem "Silver" in front of the class.

Can you recall........?

Slowly, silently now the moon

Walks the night in her silver shoon

This way and that she peers and sees

etc etc.

Cruel?  Yes, but only in retrospect.  At the time, we thought it was hilarious! 

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Seems that many celebs were fond of the Radio 2 Controller who resigned and are distressed to see her go....so...Ross will no doubt find himself dropped from their Xmas card list this year ....Getting the blame for causing her to go from his friends in the business is likely to hurt him more than losing 16 grand a day 

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I don't think we'll see him back on the BBC at all.  I think that he will spend these 12 weeks looking for a contract somewhere else - Channel 4 maybe and then offer his resignation having "had time to assess the situation".  The BBC said they had to pay him so much so that he wouldn't go elsewhere so there was obviously interest.  With 4 million + a week tuning into his Friday night show I think another channel will be happy to pick him up and the subsequent viewing figures and he may decide it's safer to cut his losses now for a smaller package, knowing that the likelihood of a renewal at the BBC is looking less likely.  Now that we can get the commercial channels in France I shan't worry too much.  Otherwise I would have said it was a sad loss.
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Hi Sweets

Trouble is with Wossie his lisp always sounds like an affectation- not really a speech defect, and as for Chris Eubank - definitely.   Did he have a lisp as a child, or  before he moved into his mansion and started wearing spats and the like?  Children often grow out of lisps, my daughter lisped a few words until she learned how to say them properly.


Many of us don't listen to too much radio, especially at night so did not hear this broadcast initially.  So many people have objected and why not ?  Most resent the enforced tax, and it's far too much, that we pay the BBC.  And, they waste our money on the likes of Woss. 

I rather feel that it is not necessary to have first-hand or immediate experience of something to know that it is wrong, vile, evil etc.   I, for example, never  personally experienced Auschwitz, Buchenwald etc, but know what they were about.



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I think the punishment far outweighs the crime in this case.

Sure it was a dumb thing to do, but it has been blown out of proportion and £1.5 million fine for that is a bit ott. Drunk drivers get punished less. And I bet Andrew Sachs, the only person who has the right to complain, will not see any of that money.

As for whether he deserves the contract, well that's subjective and really irrelevant to the argument I think. The Beeb probably make more back selling his programmes to overseas broadcasters anyway. And governments waste far more money than the Beeb ever could, so I won't be wasting any sleep over that one.


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Jonathon Ross, (aged 47 , with 20 years broadcasting  experience)

 initiated and kick-started

this self destruct saga.(whlst taking others with him)



He doesn't have a lisp ,as some posters have suggested,

 he has the inability to pronounce the letter  "R"

as in wice cwispies


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