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Jonathon Ross


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[quote user="teapot"][quote user="oscar"]

There were only two complaints when the programme was aired well over a week ago. Nothing was said about it until the Mail made a big issue about it.  Andrew Sachs presumably picked up his ansaphone messages before the programme was aired - 2 days after the messages were left - and didn't do anything to stop the broadcast.  [/quote]

You are wrong, he did contact the beeb and requested it was cut out of the programme.


Did he?  I haven't heard that reported on any edition of any news programme over the last 3 days and we have News 24 on virtually all day long.  In fact even his grand-daughter in her interview said "WHEN my grand-dad heard about the programme", so he presumably didn't ask BEFORE it went out.  However, if he did ask for it to be cut from the programme, then I think it just adds to the fact that despite R&Bs bad behaviour, the responsibility lies with the producer to edit the programme accordingly.  Perhaps R&B thought it HAD BEEN edited - anyone thought of that?

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All this talk about an offence being committed under the Telecommunications Act or whatever it is called is   fine ...but when it comes to seeing if this law is worth the paper its printed on ...I have my doubts the crown prosecution service will put them in front of the bench .. even if the recording would ensure a conviction .Personally I never wasted my time watching or listening to what either of had to say on radio or TV.  

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[quote user="betoulle"]It has been blown up out of all proportion - when the broadcast went out originally it received 2 complaints...the 10,000 compliants received since have been due to the excessive coverage by the BBC & tabloids......[/quote]

No. The 27000 complaints since have been people expressing their disgust. You don't have to witness something to dislike it.

And if thet (especially the supremele talentless Brand) are 'great broadcasters' I'd hate to hear the worst.

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RB's "biography", My BookyWook, has been in the Sunday Times 10 bestsellers list for 15 weeks. Has sold over 180000copies, more than any other book on the list, except for Bill Bryson's Shakespeare book (220000, 29 weeks).

He must be a big favourite with some sections of the population. [:(]


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I know Mr Brand is popular with a certain section of the population - my daughter listens to him and has his book and thinks I'm being old fashioned.

Actually he has probably gone up in my estimation for resigning and at the same time trying to put a good word in for his mate Jonathan.


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£1.5million may not be a lot to you but I think I'd miss that!  Still no Producer suspended, demoted, sacked.  I still think that the Producer has something to answer for.  Jonathan Ross was very stupid and misguided to do what he did but this whole thing has been blown out of all proportion.  He brings incredibly high ratings to the BBC in both his TV shows and his radio show, as well as constantly winning awards for his shows - the BBC don't WANT to lose him and I think the punishment more than fits the crime.  What the BBC COULD have done is offered that £1.5million to a charity of Mr Sachs choice but I'm sure they will just withhold it from Mr Ross and keep it in their own coffers.

I understand that Miss Baillie is a member of a goth group called the Satanic Sluts but they prefer to be known as the SS.  I wonder how her German/jewish grandfather who had to leave Germany in the 30s feels about that.  Seems like she doesn't think a lot about people's feelings either.

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What is it with these megalomaniacs?  I mean this Lesley Douglas person.  Even in their resignation letter, they just can't resist listing all their so-called achievements, can they?

Either megalomaniacs or people with huge inferiority complexes (thus the need to remind everyone of what they have attained); take your pick. 

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SW17 ............

Normally you & I are more or less 'in tune', but not this time.

This resignation is honourable, but achieves nothing and was unnecessary in my view.  Ross's standing-down seems appropriate to me, though I haven't heard all the details.

Surely there comes a point where the guilty have been bollicked, lessons learnt (to quote the politicians) and you just move on to more important national / international affairs?

JR got off lightly: he's ruined (together with Brand) more than a few careers in the last week.  

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what makes people want to ring a radio/ Tv station and complain about something, is it because they think their name will be taken, therefore giving them a feeling of importance, 30 thousand people sat and listened to a tape, which they found disgusting enough to ring up about, instead of just switching it off and getting on with their own lives, I understand that sales of Russell Brand DVD'S have gone up by 133 per cent, and that faulty towers box set have gone up 26 per cent, I wonder how many of that 30 thousand have contributed to that, people really do make me sick.
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what makes people want to ring a radio/ Tv station and complain about something, is it because they think their name will be taken, therefore giving them a feeling of importance, 30 thousand people sat and listened to a tape, which they found disgusting enough to ring up about,

Perhaps it was the thought that as license payers they are paying the inflated wages of Mr Ross and feel entitled to expect a higher standard while he was at work.

people really do make me sick.

Pretty much how I feel about Mr Ross.

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I can't understand how it was calculated that Wossie deserved millions and would go 'elsewhere' if not paid buckets full of dosh.   I now never watch his programme (Fri on tv), I used to, but got fed up with his arrogance, infantile sense of humour and his annoying lisp.  Is this lisp really natural ?

I often wonder about lisps -  I have rarely heard them out of the UK.    Do they originate in UK indep. schools amongst the well-heeled, and primarily with males ?    I can only think of one lisping female -Carol Thatcher, and I have never heard any children/ teens lisping in nearly 40 years of teaching in LEA schools here and in other english speaking countries. 

Woss's rudeness and bad language was the end for me.   So much of it on the BBC these days - or any channel for that matter.  And, unlike many in France we  are obliged - or criminal record/ prison,  to  pay this enforced tax  (£3 billion) to the BBC.  And,   it has increased massively over the last decade, but the quality of the programmes has not.    Lots wasted - eg   Woss.



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