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Some good news - Shannon found !


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These scams have been going on for decades, as long as the welfare state was created, a challenge to be conned and cheated. It doesn't need a TV programme to put the idea into people's heads. In fact it's probably the opposite ie the scriptwriters go to the folks on the estates to find out what's the latest scam. The most common one used to be: a couple with children claim to have split up and now form 2 separate households. So claim double benefits. But in fact still "live" together.

A pity for those families who genuinely need the welfare state. They are given a bad name.

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These people know every trick in the book, if they go to court, they sometimes know more than the solicitors about their rights and the loopholes, and boy do they use them.  They know how to cheat the systems and that is passed down generations, the kids do not have a chance, they are brainwashed into that way of thinking the minute they are born into thinking that society owes them.  They pop out and the first words they learn aren't mummy daddy, its 'benefit' and milk tokens.


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Generally speaking, I think this is all very harsh.

Some people are takers, whatever their background or social class.

To characterise a large part of our society in such a sweeping manner can only serve to encourage misunderstandings and prejudices.

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There are so many scammers about.

It is reported in the paper today that a little boy was found at a bustop and no one knows who he belongs to.This little chap is of Indian origin and is ten years old.The reporter says that he is probobly a victim of human trafficking.He goes on to say that the traffickers get these kids so that they can claim more benefit.What an extreme thing to do.You really wouldnt believe people could be so cruel...and just for money!

The benefit system ought to be scrapped and started all over again I reckon.There is no help for the real needy because the money is being taken up by the scammers.

Who gave Karen mathews the right to have all those children and not keep any of them?She doesn't have to worry about her rent being paid,doesn't have to wonder how she can pay her council tax,can sit around all day in her PJs.......What a life hey ?Each child is an automatic pay rise...so just keep them coming that must be her motto.......and millions more


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This is why these people are created.Its because they do not take responsibility for anything.They go through life on an easy ride and its us tax payers who are at fault because we allow them to do so

Its our fault.......not hers

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Aside from Shannon did she have all or any of her children living with her?

I ask because if she was considering leaving her partner for his uncle who lived in an upstairs flat wher would the kids have gone?

Whats the betting that she is announced to be pregnant again before going to trial?

The papers have made lots of money from this soon to be closely followed by those involved or with a story to tell.

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I hope you mean Karen ?

I'll be surprised if she is allowed to keep this child, even if she is not in prison I suspect she will be sent to a mother and baby facility where she can be monitored.

I am puzzled by the Child Neglect charge - after all it 'seems' if media suspicion is correct, she knew where her child was, in the care of an adult - which is more than can be said for the McCanns

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Yes sorry i meant Karen.Maybe the neglect charge is to do with one of her other children  She is alledgedly said to have dumped her first child because her then boyfriend wouldnt give her a fiver for a packet of ciggys.She has also been drawing benefit when she had a blokes wages coming into the household.They cant say these people are poor because they have all their household bills automatically paid for them.The boyfriend brings a normal persons wage in for food clothes etc and the welfare money is for indulgenceI think this sort of family is well off  compared to a lot of struggling working parents.But society is to blame because we let them get away with it.
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[quote user="NormanH"]Don't forget that these things also happen in France:


True Norman, paedophiles, and people who abuse the trust of young girls like that... there are certainly some real sickos about.

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"The papers have made lots of money from this soon to be closely followed by those involved or with a story to tell."

This is already happening. The father of her first child told his story in the News of the World this Sunday. Aside from everything else I was struck by how he placed the whole responsibility for the care of his son on Karen even though he hadn't seen him for two years and had never paid towards his upkeep.

I'm not defending her actions in any way, but there has been no criticism of the men who were willing fathers. I think they have some responsibilities too.

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