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Some good news - Shannon found !


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Seems like the cynics amongst us who thought that a 32 year old woman, who has seven kids by five different fathers (she thinks!) living with a 22 years old geeky young guy was not socially acceptable or "Normal" had some basis for our jaundiced views after all.

If anyone has read the story of Fred and Rosemary West (I firmly suggested to Mrs Gluey she didn't, as it would be far too harrowing), child abuse seems to follow a pattern.

No doubt young Craig will trot out the normal excuses about "Research"...........................................................

Poor bloody kids: what chance do they really stand?

So sad.


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No doubt young Craig will trot out the normal excuses about "Research"...........................................................

My guess is it's only so called 'educated' porn downloaders that do that. You know, rather like the people who think they are not bad parents when they leave their kids alone while they go and enjoy a drink with friends......[:(]

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I'll try and suppress my more cynical side, well on an open forum anyway! but something has been wrong from the start.

There's a lot more to come out of this story and I for one will not be totally surprised! although I am always surprised how low some people can be.

Thank god she is in safe hands now, or is she! child care is no place for any child, believe me there as much abuse there as any where!

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Don't condemn the mother out of hand.

It is quite common for paedophiles to attach themselves to single mothers of 'attractive' children. They effectively 'groom' the mother first, and then the child. This can be either as an individual or as part of a group. This is not an urban myth, both my wife and I have professional experience of this happening - and much worse.

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[quote user="Gluestick"]

BBC has announced this morning that Karen Mathews has been arrested for "Perverting the course of justice."



It doesn't say if that refers to Shannon's abduction or her partner's paedophile tendencies.

Perhaps it was all a plan to keep Shannon away from her real father...

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Such is the length of time that the child has been away from her mother and in the care of the foster parent she must now feel relaxed and be opening up about her life ...I believe she has stated she does not want to go back home now ...I feel a lot more is yet to come out here .  E mails and mobile phone records over the period of time the girl was missing might just throw up some interestsing  messages texts that could result in others being brought in .
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Erm, what?  I very much hope that it's her qualities as a mother (or lack of them) that are under the spotlight, not her looks.  Would she seem more believable if she were slim and gorgeous?

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[quote user="Cat"]

  I very much hope that it's her qualities as a mother (or lack of them) that are under the spotlight[/quote]


Well that's for the little girl to decide and apparently she doesn't want to go back home with her mother because she has been given a kitten to look after and she likes it better with the foster carers.  I really hope that the tabloids don't report the reasons why this is so - in fact as from tomorrow I'm not going to read anymore about this horrible incident.

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Frankly I suspect in may be in Shannons interest if she is placed in a caring foster home and can get a reasonable education, however there may be several reasons why she doesn't want to go home. It seems (?) she is the only child in the foster home and she has the kitten. Compare that to be doing one of four and maybe no pets at her mothers.....
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