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Boy George


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He has been found guilty of kidnapping a man although he strongly denied the allegation. He will be sentenced in January and has been told by the Judge he could be facing a prison sentence. How likely do we think this is and could his celebratary status go in his favour as it has done recently with other well known people.
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Boy George is still "famous" in some circles as he is a popular DJ in New York and other places.  The tattoos are from a role he played in some obscure play about an equally obscure American artist (whose name I cannot recall) - they might be make-up rather than the real thing as he used to have half his face blue as well for the part!   Goerge has already done community service in New York sweeping the streets for a drug conviction.  I doubt they will give anything as harsh in uk though.

To me it seems like George is falling apart mentally, hence these rash actions, in fact rather like OJ Simpson who yesterday collected a minimum of 30 years in the penitentiary for armed kidnap amongst other things.   Seeing him witterring and blubberring at the judge I wondered if he will cope with prison as no doubt having got off with two counts of murder he thought this one was a doddle only it wasn't, and the american people seem to be thinking along the lines of "Justice at last".   The Goldman family are anyway.

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Someone as in the Probation people will have to do a pre sentence report.  How are they going to handle that?

The Judge will not care if he is an England cricketer the man from the moon or whatever he will simply be interested in what the PSR says and if the gentleman is a danger to society.

The probation may say be lenient may say community  service may say all sorts of things.  The Judge sometimes is swayed by that but of course he had the opportunity that none of us have of hearing the evidence and seeing everything that went on in court.

One never knows which way the Judge will go for before he does pass sentence the gentleman's Barrister will of course do 'mitigation'  Normally a Judge says ' You will be released on bail pending pre sentence reports and at this moment I have not ruled in or ruled out a custodial sentence'  I am not sure what he said but one thing if he is thinking custodial and reviewing the tariff it might be five years then out on licence after 30 months less the time spent on remand if indeed he was in custody.

The Judges do not like kidnapp do not like perverting the course of justice and seeing someone in front of them who say does not come from Charterhouse or Winchester is sometimes a problem for them.

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